80's first CFL/FL grow


New Member
My computer at home has a very bad virus. Were about to buy a new one. Anyway heres the major updates now that I got a chance too use a diffrent comp...

212Watts all together now. I have 8 bulbs all with 2700klumens each.

One thing with growing...besides from learning how to grow (obv) you learn patience. I never had patience....but having to just sit back and let nature take it's course 90% of the time (the other 10 is you giving it nutes and such)...and when you fuck up...

I have killed 8 plants so far by dropping them. The only 2 original plants I still have infact are mother rose and chelsea. I keep on dorpping plants...seriously...it's because I stacked em up on a pile of books that weas unbalanced...pretty dumb. The first time I dropped 4, the second time 4. Now I just have 2 seedlings, 2 clones, and the 2 originals. Ive decided at a foot too put rosemary into flower. I wanna order some special strains and work on the new plants.

BUT! I have made my first 2 clones as well :hump:


Close up of new growth towards the bottom.

Awesome fan leaf...lol

Clonesss (misted regulary)

How lcose I came too losing Rose when she was younger :cry:


New Member
I dropped ANOTHER clone...this is the 9th one...and ofc cause god is a fucking dick it was the best clone....


New Member
how many total wattage u got on each plant now? harvested yet?
Nope, in flowering now. both Chelsea (the stunted growth one) and mother rosemary. I am workin on a SOG grow op now but instead of a bi weekly harvest Im trying a weekly.

Oh and there are 212 Watts and 4 plants sooooo about 55ish


New Member
Thanks for everyone who has stopped by!

As expected...mother Rosemary is taking VERY fast to the flowering. Infact she's got hairs coming out all over only after 2 days! I'd tell you my secret but itll cost ya ;) lol

Anddd chelsea is now goin on a week. Ill have pictures tonight when they come outta darkness.


Both clones (as usual) died. But I got 2 new babys undr lights and I germinated 2 more seeds too start my SOG. I am the WORST cloner youll ever meet...sopemone leave a link too a good article for cloning?


New Member
Hey 80mg, you got a nice grow going on and very healthy. The clones looks good too.
DID look healthy =[ RIP...I cant clone for shit! I got the SOG starting now though. I planted 2 seedlings last week, 2 more this week, trying to oget a small harvest of about an oz or so every week (more than enough fro me) once I get my growing down good Ima try for the big SOG op yields.

As for Rose and Chelsea...there in flowering now. Chelsea on 8 days, Rose on 4. They are both doing good. UI learned for the first time how you can over nute...

My secret too huge plants is lots and lots of nitrogen. Infact everyday. So last night, usual routine, about 2 hourse later I notice nute burns! I quickly wash her out (worried I was gonna drown her) but i didnt and the burns have been neutralized =D

Laying off the Nitrogen for a week mabe 2. What other nutes can I use (besides molases) that is good for flowering? I never used nutes in my outdoor grows (organic)

Thats the top of rosemary in flowering as of last night. Only been 4 days so I gotta slow my roll...sorry for the terrible pic quality, my friend said I can use her camera later, which is a wayyyy better camera than my shitty phone. Stay tuned!

James Youngblood

Active Member
I see Superbad and A VHS!!! you are definitely a G!!!


PS. I didnt know +rep did anything untill 30 seconds ago, so forgive me heres what you've earned


New Member
LOL yea super bad ass...I LOVE comedies...gotta see my collection sometime. ill add some better pics later and check out your forum thing!


Well-Known Member
My secret too huge plants is lots and lots of nitrogen. Infact everyday. So last night, usual routine, about 2 hourse later I notice nute burns!

I just recently mixed bone meal to ogive them the nitrogen they desperatley need and even peed on the plant thats fucked in a last ditch atempt.....some advice...please...
I do not claim to know much...but STOP peeing on your plant...:spew:



New Member

I do not claim to know much...but STOP peeing on your plant...:spew:

Well it's obvious you don't know much. If yourp lant needs nutes bad as mine did urine contains urina, and nitrogen, both good for plants. I don't do it anymore but it is actually a good scientifly proven way to give plants nutes.

As for updates...the stunted one chelsea got her first white hairs yesturday...rosemary still getting there (just turned a week into flowering today)..

Gonna post GOOD quality pics tonight. Getting more CFLS and a HID light as well. Gonna use both like stanky who got 5ozs from a plant!


Well-Known Member
Well it's obvious you don't know much. If yourp lant needs nutes bad as mine did urine contains urina, and nitrogen, both good for plants. I don't do it anymore but it is actually a good scientifly proven way to give plants nutes.

OK....seedlings grown in sand do not need N bad enough for the concentrated form of nitrogen found in urine. Your plant was too small for nutes...and you pissed all over it.

Can you use urine for nitrogen...well yes...but there is a method (dilution)...lots of salty waste!

And it is Urea...a form of nitrogen...but what do I know...about youp lants or good scientifly proven ways to kill plants:roll:



Well-Known Member
Even though urine has urea in it, you shouldn't just pee directly in your container. Urine contains pretty high levels of urea that may or may not be good at that level of concentration. Urine also has more than just urea in it. If you're going to use it as a fertilizer, I would recommend diluting it... say 10:1 water/urine.

Darwin Riddle

Well-Known Member
Once the plants start flowering, they need significantly less nitrogen....and I definitely would not pee on my plants either!!