80w Induction Lighting Grow Box 1 AK48 2 Bagseed

The Steve

Both plants are now confirmed female. The bagseed is getting to be a little too tall. Trying to do a last minute LST on it. Probably going to have to remove some fan leaves just so that they aren't sitting in the lights.

harry larry

Active Member
I am growing an ak as well. I would try to supercrop the bagseed. I try to pinch a little first, often I have seen people pinch to the point that after pinching the top just falls over. It seems that a softer pinch and a soft bend do less damage, get the same response yet heal faster. It should bush out that bagseed well.


Active Member
I'm glad to have found this journal! I have a similar grow (2 x 45w inductions on two plants).

They do get a little warm in a small space, I moved my filter down to about a foot above the lamps (versus strapped to the ceiling). Seemed to kick the warm air out much better. The canopy temps went from an average high of 82ºF, down closer to 75ºF

As to training your bag seed, The attached pic is from thread by BigFatJ who did some cool mini-scrog stuff - Each plant has it's own screen attached. Apparently it's from an old post, but it was new to me ;-)


this thread is sweet, and so timely also. i was considering doing a mini v-scrog and was trying to decide between induction or CMH. Only i was going to use the incandescent shaped induction lights. Thanks for posting this Steve, looking forward to results.

The Steve

Okay sorry for the long time between posts. Been really busy at work so I haven't had time. The ak48 had complications and is no longer with us leaving us just the one bagseed plant. So far these lights have outdone my last grow nicely. I'll try to post some pics later but I'll have some up no later than harvest time. I'm hoping by the end of the month as the hairs are starting to go red. There are a few meaty buds on here. :)

The Steve

So I think this is day 60. The ak48 seeds I got were shit so she's gone. We're down to just the bag seed. The top part grew into the light and had to be chopped off so I lost two nodes. But she recovered and she's got a few tasty looking buds. The hairs are starting to turn red. I'm curious how much will come of this one plant. It shoudl be more than when I ran floro's though. Here's some pics.

Day 60 (3).jpgDay 60 (1).jpgDay 60 (2).jpgDay 60.jpgDay 60 (4).jpg
it seems from your pictures that you like watering right on your baby plants when you should be watering away from the plant, around the edges of the pot


Well-Known Member
From the dates I would imagine he's cut, cured, and smoked it. So whats the verdict? Let's hear the good the bad and the ugly...