82 watts CFL closet grow - Day 3



First of all I am new on this forum, and I'd like to say thank you to everyone contributing here has I learned a lot for my first ever cannabis grow :)

So I would like to know if you guys think my 'plant' looks healthy (color and height), I've been spraying water mist on it a lot and i'm not sure if its to much or maybe not enough.

She's about 3 days old from seeds, the strain is 'Skunk Automatic - Feminized' bought from 'Marijuana-Seeds-Canada'.

I'm using 3x23 watts and 1x13 watts CFL's at maybe about 10 or 15cm away from the plant (I think closer than that, the heat might be a problem for my baby).

This afternoon at 15:30 the shell was still on the 'leaves', and it dropped off at about 20:00. I watered it about 4 or 5 times today (Light Mist)

So here's the pictures of it. Please give comments, advice's or tips

At 15:30 September 13:

At 20:30 September 13:

Here's the setup in my closet. The fan is oscillating and at lowest power for now.

Closeup: (The black thing with wires in it is a moisture sensor connected to an Arduino and back to my computer, i keep the moisture around 60%)


Thank you, I will buy 1 or 2 more 23 watts. Also the tips of the leaves are starting to turn white a bit, is that normal? And has the pictures shows one of them is pointing down..


yes the more light the better. remember you are creating artificial sunlight. about the white tips, are you using distilled water? beacuse if its tap water it can have impurities from water treatment that could effect the plant. its best to let it sit in an open container for 24 hours to distill. Dont worry about how some are tilted to the side, they tend to grow towards the light so they should straighten out.