85watts cfl


hi quick question are 2 85 watt cfl's enough for 6 seedlings and how far should i put them from the plants
thanx :joint:


Well-Known Member
They should work for seedlings, but you're going to have add alot of light to keep six plants happy. More light=happier plant. You want to keep the light as close as possible. The golden rule is put your hand between the light and your plant. If your hand gets hot your plants will get hot.


thanx i plan to move to MH when the plants are wee bit sturdier how many plants can a 150w MH support? plus 4 the seedlings i have put my hand in-between and it felt cool so not too hot but the leaves started curling is it that they are just getting used to the lights, only started using them 2 days ago
first grow so a bit worried