8x4 1200w OG Kush (1st timer)


Well-Known Member
you should lst them all now
i lst'd my last plants and wished
i would of done it earlier afterwards
Agreed. I did mine to an extent and I'm still doing it, but I ALWAYS wish I had done a better job earlier on. It's easier when they are smaller and more manageable.


Well-Known Member
I tied down another one. Not super happy with my tie-down job but it'll work.

Im gonna get some floral tape and tie more down tonight.


Well-Known Member
Tied another one down. Im happier with this tie-down.. I forgot to get floral tape.

I also fimmed 1 out of the 3 that were never topped/fimmed.

It was getting to lanky so I fimmed her. I'm going to tie her down when I get home and hopefully all my side-branching will be LEGIT.

I'm hoping for 5 tops a plant :D :D :D


Well-Known Member
The problem started recently. At first I noticed the edges of the leaves were curling UP. I thought it was from my low humidity.

I noticed more and more plants are doing so. They also seem to be wilting and very soft/floppy.

Any help/advice/input would be greatly appreciated.

ON A LIGHTER NOTE,.. I lst'd two more.

AND FINISHED MY ROOM!!! (Well, almost, you see that filter? Still gotta attach it. And paint the outside..atleast the mud is done geez)



Well-Known Member
I got some root growth stuff from a friend. It was in a little silver bottle that looked like a small hairspray can. He told me it costs him like 100+ $$$ for the little bottle and he said it doesnt take much but DOES WONDERS.

anyone know what I'm talking about? It was sitting next to his Advanced Nutrients line wasnt the same bottle at all.


Well-Known Member
No no its not an aerosol can. He said use like 1/2 TSP per gallon. Its in a little silver bottle.


Well-Known Member
a thought... isnt drywall like lime??? maybe the dust on the plants and soil threw your ph way off?? just a thought i know it doesnt take much lime to mess with ph so if gypsum has similar qualities???


Well-Known Member
a lil off topic but might help??this is from a painting website but it prover thay drywall is ph active! a lil dust gets pulled down into the dirt and walla ph prob.....

Drywall Could Have a pH Level Problem
One possible issue regarding contamination is that your drywall could have a bad pH level. This means that the drywall will either be too acid or base for the paint to stick to it properly. If you think that this might be your problem, then you should either change the drywall that you are using, or you should purchase a product to fix the pH problems.


Well-Known Member
Damn I didnt even ever think of that....

There was drywall dust ALL over my plants so I washed them down with plain water... it must be messing with the PH of the water before being absorbed into my girls.

Do you think this could be a cause?


Well-Known Member
if that could be the problem i would suggest hose out the garage and wipe the walls and ceiling with wet towels! then flush the plants with tons of water do you have a ph meter?


Well-Known Member
with the amount of dust i saw on them is say so. Test the pH of the runoff next time you feed.

Try getting a sponge and dabbing hte plants with it to get the dust off.

You could also buy a roll of panda film or mylar to put over the walls so the dust cant blow around.

or seal the walls with a flat sealer, not glossy.


Well-Known Member
I cleaned the garage last night and there hasnt been drywall dust on them in days. The drywall dust wasnt coming from the inside of the room it was getting sucked in from the outside.

I need to check my run-off though, as there was quite a bit of drywall dust landing on the soil as well as the plants.