8'x8' led light setup 2500$ budget

Your idea wasnt bad in fact ive seen some of those for sale the only thing is you would have needed more strips and put them closer ran less hard and would have achieved better result then..
Your idea wasnt bad in fact ive seen some of those for sale the only thing is you would have needed more strips and put them closer ran less hard and would have achieved better result then..

16 strips and the driver was all i could afford at one time.

the future is golden however. technology advances...
Your idea wasnt bad in fact ive seen some of those for sale the only thing is you would have needed more strips and put them closer ran less hard and would have achieved better result then..
I dunno about those "cloak" style led strip designs. With the strips going vertically, a LOT of light will just go to the ceiling, even in a reflective tent (whatever light that bounces off the ceiling to the plants is gonna be REALLY reduced). Factor in the photons that will hit your filter/fan/other leds and you end up loosing a LOT of photons.

A horitzontal strip on each wall at canopy height and the rest above like normal is much better IMO.

But using lots of low power strips spread nicely across the canopy gives PLENTY of light penetration. More than you'd get from any HID setup even. Randomblame is using 20 strips in a 3x3 and he just pulled down a yield with literally ZERO popcorn/larf bud. I am using 10 strips in a 3x3 and I expect similar results.
I dunno about those "cloak" style led strip designs. With the strips going vertically, a LOT of light will just go to the ceiling, even in a reflective tent (whatever light that bounces off the ceiling to the plants is gonna be REALLY reduced). Factor in the photons that will hit your filter/fan/other leds and you end up loosing a LOT of photons.

A horitzontal strip on each wall at canopy height and the rest above like normal is much better IMO.

But using lots of low power strips spread nicely across the canopy gives PLENTY of light penetration. More than you'd get from any HID setup even. Randomblame is using 20 strips in a 3x3 and he just pulled down a yield with literally ZERO popcorn/larf bud. I am using 10 strips in a 3x3 and I expect similar results.

i hope my second attempt in hydro with horizontal strips will do the same.

Ramdomblame said my setup was going to crush it. it didn't, but i had sick plants...

but, i have way to much invested to turn back now. some how this shit will work :bigjoint:
I lollipop and defoliate pretty good so I reduce the amount of popcorn buds. But everyone has their growing style.

Yeah i do too. Still usually end up with a lil popcorn though with my old leds. I cant wait to see how much I end up with under my new strip build.

i hope my second attempt in hydro with horizontal strips will do the same.

Ramdomblame said my setup was going to crush it. it didn't, but i had sick plants...

but, i have way to much invested to turn back now. some how this shit will work :bigjoint:

Yeah id just go horizontal all the way. If you really want to, a horz strip on each wall in/near the canopy will ensure no larf, just watch out for light damage. A 4 foot strip shouldnt bleach 1-2" away from the single row or 2-4" from a double row.

You did have sick plants though. So who knows how it would have turned out.
Yeah i do too. Still usually end up with a lil popcorn though with my old leds. I cant wait to see how much I end up with under my new strip build.

Yeah id just go horizontal all the way. If you really want to, a horz strip on each wall in/near the canopy will ensure no larf, just watch out for light damage. A 4 foot strip shouldnt bleach 1-2" away from the single row or 2-4" from a double row.

You did have sick plants though. So who knows how it would have turned out.

maybe someday i will reconfigure and try vertical again, but not right now