9/12 republican debate thread


Well-Known Member
ANYONE that supports polygamy is CLEARLY insane imo . i have had 2, one at a time (still on #2), but more than one at a time is clearly a sign of mental issues imo lol.
You're looking at it all wrong. How many times when you were married did you wish there was someone else around that would be a distraction to your wife so that she would just leave you the hell alone? I'm all for it man.


Well-Known Member
desperation is a stinky cologne.

let's try to keep it on topic.

further insults will simply be deleted.

thank you, and let's enjoy the debate now.


Well-Known Member
perry is a douche.

in response to a question about how obama is cutting taxes in the american jobs act, he said obama will raise your taxes.

that makes no sense.


Well-Known Member
and bachmann is proud that she wanted to default the nation.

the tea party: saving america by destroying it.