9 Bucket Set Up


Well-Known Member
I don't have any in process build pics. I'll have to take some the next time I break it down between runs.


Well-Known Member
Someone had asked me about setting up a 4 bucket system. This was my reply.

For starters you are going to need the buckets and lids from Lowes. They block out the light unlike the HD buckets and the lids are easier to work with. The Net Pot lids they sell at the hydro stores suck. They are too rigid and dome on the buckets so any water that over sprays runs off the lid onto the floor. The Lowes buckets concave a bit with the weight of the plant and hydroton and any spray drains back into the bucket.

You could probably get away with a 5th bucket as a reservoir but a larger tub would require less daily maintenance.

I would get an air pump with 6 ports and 6 air stones. 1 for each bucket and 2 for the reservoir.

1 submersible pump about 200 gph. You can dial them down to desired flow.

You could make your feeder rings but the HydroFarm rings are worth it. 5 bucks per.

Some 1/2" soft tubing to run from the pump to the feeder rings.

I drilled 7/8” holes in the bottom of the buckets and reservoir and used threaded pvc fittings and rubber o-rings to make the bulkheads. I used something like this:


¾” Threaded T’s screw onto those and then I use thread these into the T’s using Teflon tape on the threads.


I connect the buckets to the reservoir using 1” tube. The light blue stuff. Cover it with duct tape after assembled to block out light to prevent algae growth.

I would connect the 4 buckets in 2 chains with each chain draining back to a T on the reservoir. One bucket on each chain will have 2 holes.

Have you seen my different setups? Pictures tell the story.

When I do it again, I will probably use 5 gallon coolers from HD instead of buckets. A bit more money but coolers will help keep the water temp down a bit.


Active Member
can i ask what you will probably consider a dumb qustion. what is the black cover on your bucket? is it just the lid? i also saw one on a cooler it looked just like the lid you have. i'm thinking of doing my next grow in a cooler. i used a tub for my first grow and it didn't turn out well.