9 day old white widow


Active Member
Hey there folks!

My 9 day old white widow has some papery feeling leaves and they are beginning to fan together slightly like a butterfly closing its wings. Pics below and here are the answers to anticipated questions.

lights- 3 26 watt 6500K cfls
cabinet- rubbermaid tote painted flat white on inside, passive intake vents on bottom sides and a 4 inch cpu fan pulling air out of the lid. I keep 2 dishes of water in it for humidity.
Temp- 72-79F
Soil Mix- 50% perlite 10%sphagnum moss 40% premium organic potting soil
Ph of soil- 6.8ish
Ph of runoff-6.5ish
Using store bought spring water at room temp for watering.thoroughly as needed.
I have given nutes once and it was literally 1/8th the dose using grow big by foxfarms


Cheers for any help :clap:


Active Member
Your plants look fine.
I've grown White Widow several times. What you should be aware of with white widow is that they need much less in the way of nutes than other plants you may have grown befor. At 9 days old I would not have fed her any nutes at all, as what is within the soil is plenty for a plant of that age. I usually transplant from the 'dixie cup' to a small pot to a larger pot to a 5 gal that I finish them out in. So, from doing that, I have to add nutes only after I put them into flower, as the transplanting supplies fresh soil and thusly all the nutes she needs. About week 2 of 12/12 I start adding Flora Nova, MaxSea and molasass.

Hope this helps