9 days no roots


Active Member
Its been 9 days since my little ones broke through soil and none have spread roots yet, just the taproot about 2.5" long. seemed like they sprouted up quick and then just stopped growin, I have my Fluoros on 24hrs.


Active Member
hello bill if i was you m8 change to 20/4 and then you will see them grow.........they are not getting any rest and they need atleast 4hrs it worked for me m8!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Really? you can see in the soil and tell if they have any roots? How big is the pot you have them in? If you put them in a big pot then they will fill that with roots, the above ground growth will slow for a while. more details of what you have done to this point will be necessary. VV


Active Member
I had them in small plastic cups and I transplanted yesterday thinking it would be ok and a few of them just fell from the soil and all they had was about a 2.5" taproot.


Well-Known Member
I had them in small plastic cups and I transplanted yesterday thinking it would be ok and a few of them just fell from the soil and all they had was about a 2.5" taproot.
well, that is not quite accurate, it can't be. The 'taproot' would not have gotten to 2 1/2 without little feeder roots, small little hair like roots with little fuzzy things on the small enough to ingest molecules of water and nutrients. You need to make some adjustments in your transplanting method. In the first few pages of my blue thread I show the details of how I transplant. Always water before transplanting soil, not the full amount maybe like 1/2. The roots need to stay intact in the soil they have been in during the transplant. Even then some of the ones you could see around the outside will sustain some damage. Please take the time to view the method.
I think you could still be ok with these, that tap root is not a bad size, you may have to water it a little different depending on what it does. If it stays up nice and green, you did better than you described, atta boy and go. If it start to droop a little, just water it normal ( away from the stem) and wait a day, droops gone, atta boy, you did better than you thought and go. If it stays real droopy you may try giving a small amount of water right down the stem. Sometimes we have to do something like this when transplanting in hydro until the roots grow into the new home. You might try misting them for a day or two as well. VV


Active Member
Your right VV, I probably did screw that whole transplant up good. 3 of them were lost out of 13 and 2 others are starting to curl there only 2 leaves up a bit. Dammit. When the plants came out of the soil there was 1 I remember that had a few tiny tiny hair roots coming from it. The others it seemed the taproot was about 2-2.5" long and just skinnier down to the tip where it had a tiny hair root.


Well-Known Member
The only way you can never make a mistake is to never try anything new, at the very least you now know why the method you used may not have been the best, you will not repeat that. Keep trying. VV


Active Member
Live and learn man, I also did swithch to 18/6 and my new soil is real nice and after there first night cycle it looks like I might lose maybe 2 more which will leave me with 8. But the others seemed to have survived through my mishap.