So I'm good yeah ?,,, got to admit they look cool as fuck ,,,,, got new seeds today,, all autos ,,, now plan for them yet,,, what you think of strain ?
I think if you're growing indoors under lights you should just grow photo's. You'll get better pot. The only time I think auto's should be grown indoors is if you just want to toss one in the veg tent for the heck of it. Other than that I think they're best for planting outside in areas where photos won't finish. In fact I just planted a couple auto's I got as freebies outside in 3 gallon pots. They'll just go somewhere out of the way in the yard and hopefully be ready to harvest sometime towards the end of August well before the bad weather arrives.
The only time I think auto's should be grown indoors is if you just want to toss one in the veg tent for the heck of it. Other than that I think they're best for planting outside in areas where photos won't finish.
They also are used to increase productivity in perpetuals. You can get 4-5 harvests per year vs 3-4. People argue the 4 can yield more, and they certainly can... but harvest counts start diminishing when you train and/or veg longer.
Cost is a separate thing as the extra harvests are paid for in electricity demands. You really want 18 to 24 hrs of light all year long. So there is tradeoff.
But it's just worth throwing that in there that autos def can be a draw to some indoor growers.