9 plants 9 hermies,advice needed


Well-Known Member
Oh, and make sure your timer does not have any of the pins depressed during the dark cycle, if a depressed pin means power is on. I know yours has a cover, but I accidentally depressed some pins on my timer in the dark cycle, lights were coming on for two hours in the middle for a few nights until I realized it. Nothing seemed to happen, but my plants seem to have stable genetics.
im gonna jump in the tent tonight,if no leaks i have no idea apart from ph,i dont even know if my pens calliberated cause i dont have any idea..but anything should be better then that indicator solution wat a ball ache,i just did my reading and was 5.2 on my water 6.1 on my feed also my compost is low ph ive phed the run-off on it and it shows no change should i be looking at 6.5-7.0 for my ph? thanks for help mate


Well-Known Member
Probably the strain. I had an entire pack of Kosher Kush from Reserva Privada that were fully hermie, right from showing sex. Full female flowers above the node, full male flower dangling down like ugly green bollocks under the node. The other strain in the same environment (Sugar Punch)showed no hermie signs at all. If an established company like DNA (Reserva) sells such an abortion of a fem seed strain without removing it, or lowering the price to account for the fact you can't grow sensi with it - then some unscrupulous home breeder selling on e-bay is of course going to do likewise.

Might be worth trying Sannies seeds. His strains are all super stable. He even removed a freebie strain as one of the phenos had hermie traits - a freebie! That's how ethical he is. I'm sure if you experienced what you have this grow with his seeds he would send you some more free along with an apology.


Well-Known Member
all this worry about light leaks LOL, i know my rooms not 100% but in nature is it pitch black at night?? no it isent so matey a light leak wont make nothing hermie, just bad genetics, or sumthing your doing, hell ive ny on killed shit before inc this last run an i still pulled 30z of 8 plants..


Well-Known Member
I had a light leak for two weeks, both plants went into partial reveg. No hermies, but I stopped the light leak and all resumed.

Moonlight is not the same thing.


Well-Known Member
if its not light leaks wat else possible can it be?i dont mind critisism,i also dont mind learning from my mistakes killing them and starting again,big waste of time yes,but i need to determain the problem before proceeding or its pointless lol


Well-Known Member
i found somebody with a similiar issue on a old thread here:

Kept one healthy, big, mother plant in veg state for about 9 mo. took all clones from her exclusivly.
Had great results and started cloning from 2nd generation 3 generation and forth gen. so on
always cloning desirable charistics - - growth rate, size, shape, health ect. (there is variance)
It just kept getting better, note there are NO males present, close or anywhere around and
haven't ever been. One clone took off quick and aggressivly, it looked great but when moved
to flower --->> KABOOM<<<--- a hermi.... I had cut half a dozen colnes and they were also moved to flower around the same time. That generation of clones (all from the same single female MP) were all hermi's. I clone only, no seeds... Now I have changed to another line of clones (still from the same initial MP)
I now wonder if the other clones now in flowering room will all go hermi from exposure to the 3 hermie's ?
It really blew me away that a single mother plant (MP) after 3-4 generations of clones can all be hermi.
Again no males. I believe that there is a genitic wildcard at play here. Now I have to WAIT and wade through other clone lines (same mother plant) to see if they to are hermi. I use humic acid in low dose. I use an organic fert. and Black Gold. (Dirt farmer) I don't know weither to get another bunch of clones from a friends MP's or to go on the
assumption that it was those 1/2 dozen clones which went hermi and other lines of the same plant 3-5 gens down the line will also turn... chewing my nails.. everything was going great till the Fungus Nats which I used bacillis thuringensis on and it worked well, as in 2 weeks the nats were GONE. ...then after 3 weeks this.
would you :
A) kill all clones/plants in veg/ plants in flower start over (that would be a major undertaking)
B) I have killed 3 plants and 3 veg plants, the 3 mature plants were showing (hiding ) seeds, but, should I keep going with other veged clones that are not that line but the same initial mother plant?
C) I use Flora-micro and small, 2 drops to a gal., of humic acid . . .called Karma and small amt of molasses. But sparingly.
D) temp is constant at 78, good circulation, 5 gal buckets, 12 and 12 dark light --have total darkness.
E) I'm totally dazzled. It's one of those moments when you freeze up with indecision as we all know how much work goes into several doz. plants, and then 2 known (mature) and 1 suspicious (imature) plants in flower go Hermi...
I killed those three hermi's... hermicide

Any idea's would be greatly appreciated --with such good circulation, I fear any male pollen will make the rounds unless that pollen is limited to the hermi plant itself. Point being is all these other plants just starting to flower (I stagger flowering)
and they may well all be pollinated. I noticed where on the hermi's on one side of the node they have normal female pistillate while the other is a swollen ball (of hermi pollen??), I assume that is were the pollen is coming from. This is however intermitant and some nodes are all girl. I know what male pollen sacs look like and this is just a single swollen pistillate no sacs, no male flowers. I assume the swollen pistillate is the hermi sexual organ. ????? any help ? Thank you for your time.
Frozen to the clippers.




Well-Known Member
Hermi genetic most likely. Pluck balls and finish for hasn and seeds to dump around a park.


Well-Known Member
I had a light leak for two weeks, both plants went into partial reveg. No hermies, but I stopped the light leak and all resumed.

Moonlight is not the same thing.
right bud,just spent a good 35 mins in my tent,i noticed quite a few little pin holes like minute it kinda looked like i was looking at stars i patched as many as them up as possible but tbh not much light was coming threw them on to the palm of my hand nothing at all tbh BUT the bottom left side of my tent had quite a glow,the side oppersit the vent hole i leave open wich i thought nothing could get in...well it can i closed this up and noticed a big difference,this light was only from my bedroom light located the other side of my tent too,my lights are 8am-8pm my misses comes to bed at 10 the bedroom light stays on for 20 minutes,the SUN rises at about 5:30 thats gonna bring alot more in then the bedroom light so thats like 2 hours+ of broken darkness,im hoping this is my issue,now my questions are,ive plucked all the balls,hopefully sorted the stress problem,will they stay herm?or can they go back?


Well-Known Member
Once plants hermie, not much you can do to stop them sadly to my understanding. I really don't know tbh, I've only had one hermie, it was genetic (Cali Connection Buddha tahoe OG), and once I saw the male parts I put it outside to finish. I sprayed it down with Dutchmaster Reverse, but i did not check for any more male parts as it was not a threat to my other plants any longer. Shame, it was a very nice looking plant, and even had some nice looking buds once it got underway, but I started it out under 6500k PLLs (compact flouros) and it was just too tight noded to withstand the amount of rain we had last fall. Bud rot that eventually ruined the whole plant.


Well-Known Member
Once plants hermie, not much you can do to stop them sadly to my understanding. I really don't know tbh, I've only had one hermie, it was genetic (Cali Connection Buddha tahoe OG), and once I saw the male parts I put it outside to finish. I sprayed it down with Dutchmaster Reverse, but i did not check for any more male parts as it was not a threat to my other plants any longer. Shame, it was a very nice looking plant, and even had some nice looking buds once it got underway, but I started it out under 6500k PLLs (compact flouros) and it was just too tight noded to withstand the amount of rain we had last fall. Bud rot that eventually ruined the whole plant.
well thanks alot for the rest of your help dude,appreciated,just gonna wait it out see how it goes,will let you know p.s check the old thread i just bumped,how i did it...who knows LOL


Active Member
Could you have had an accident perhaps with the lighting ?
Seems unlikely to just happen out of the blue with all of them, or am I mistaken ?


Well-Known Member
Could you have had an accident perhaps with the lighting ?
Seems unlikely to just happen out of the blue with all of them, or am I mistaken ?
this is copy and pasted from earlier on

spent a good 35 mins in my tent,i noticed quite a few little pin holes like minute it kinda looked like i was looking at stars i patched as many as them up as possible but tbh not much light was coming threw them on to the palm of my hand nothing at all tbh BUT the bottom left side of my tent had quite a glow,the side oppersit the vent hole i leave open wich i thought nothing could get in...well it can i closed this up and noticed a big difference,this light was only from my bedroom light located the other side of my tent too,my lights are 8am-8pm my misses comes to bed at 10 the bedroom light stays on for 20 minutes,the SUN rises at about 5:30 thats gonna bring alot more in then the bedroom light so thats like 2 hours+ of broken darkness,im hoping this is my issue,now my questions are,ive plucked all the balls,hopefully sorted the stress problem,will they stay herm?or can they go back?


Well-Known Member
Well, if you're going to complete the grows anyway, just make sure you clean your tent out really well after you get them out. Not sure if the pollen will still be viable in a few months when you get your next grow into flower, not experienced there, but no sense in taking chances.

What about the condition of your leaves? Notice any new ones, odd shaped or lacking serrations?


Active Member
Nevermind, I should have read more thurough.
And yes, that adds up, sorry man, better luck next round.