9 weeks and no amber trics yet?


I am raising White Rhino from Nirvana seed bank. It has been 9 weeks of flowering. The Tricomes are cloundy on the stem part and clear on the end or oval part of the trics they are clear. I have never grown this type . I have mostly grown bagseed for shits and giggles . Was wanting to do this one right. From what I read here , the trics are amber when you harvest. The trics I seen on a video they are kinda of redish. Are they supposed to be amber or kinda red.Most of my hairs are red but that doesn't mean she is done. Would you check with a scope everyday or give it a week or two?


2day my Tricomes have some amber color still mostly milky. The round part at the top of the tricomes are blood red on a few. Do I need to let them get about 50/50 milky - amber. I want the stuff to blow my mind with an intense buzz. Would you suggest on cutting the lights out for 24 hrs or so before harvest? and when do I need to do this. Do I also want the whole tricome amber?


Well-Known Member
I am raising White Rhino from Nirvana seed bank. It has been 9 weeks of flowering. The Tricomes are cloundy on the stem part and clear on the end or oval part of the trics they are clear. I have never grown this type . I have mostly grown bagseed for shits and giggles . Was wanting to do this one right. From what I read here , the trics are amber when you harvest. The trics I seen on a video they are kinda of redish. Are they supposed to be amber or kinda red.Most of my hairs are red but that doesn't mean she is done. Would you check with a scope everyday or give it a week or two?
Not all strains turn amber/


Well-Known Member
how does the bud look? can we see a pic? is it still really green or turning goldenish?


here is a pic of a small bud I picked today to exam and test out. I cant take a pic of my girl cause she is in the dark for 12. This plant had a cal/mag problem.


MI Bluntsmoker

Active Member
Shes got that "done look" to her that fdd always talks about, so I would go ahead and start harvesting. I might do a staggered harveset if I were you and just cut the more done looking branches and let the rest go a bit.


Well-Known Member
harvest soon for that high your talking about. Take them as soon as all the trichs are just turning amber.


Well-Known Member
yep it has that done look you can tell were the fan leaves turned a yellow color a bit and some has that dark look on top.