90 degrees and rising HELP! 3600 watt grow room!


Well-Known Member
as far as yields, looks like are systems are pretty simular but if i had 6 600's i would be using 2 4'x8' trays with 32 plants in each tray (64 total) and with lolly poping and topping getting about 2 oz's a plant being able to get from 64 oz's to 128 oz's depending on skill level. hell even with 1 oz a plant still could be easily pulling 4 lbs with that kind of light.


Well-Known Member
as far as yields, looks like are systems are pretty simular but if i had 6 600's i would be using 2 4'x8' trays with 32 plants in each tray (64 total) and with lolly poping and topping getting about 2 oz's a plant being able to get from 64 oz's to 128 oz's depending on skill level. hell even with 1 oz a plant still could be easily pulling 4 lbs with that kind of light.
Drg : How tall would you want your plants at that density?:?:
I have enough 15" inch ladys to do that density under 6x600 and am curious


man you need to get the air cooled reflectors i know everybody has been hammering you about it but its just the truth 6 600's produce allot of heat hell my 6 400's produce allot if i didnt have air cooled reflectors i would be fuct even with air moving through the reflectors my air temp rises 5 F in the room and my room is a 12x16' with 400's lol here is a pic of my setup you should definitely look into getting some better reflectors. in my opinion you should have just got 400's in the size of room you are working with.
Right now I am only running 4 of my 6, 600watt HPS and I barely manage to keep the temperature at 75fahrenheit! I am not looking forward to turning the last 2 HPS on..

What would be better?:
Changing the out exhaust air fan to 2500m3 (70% more than I currently have)
Keep the 1500m3 exhaust fan I have now but buy new aircooled hoods fo all my 6 600w HPS lamps

I think both options will fix the problem, but what would be the best? How much cooler will the room get if I use aircooled hoods?

The total cost will be about the same I think! OH, one more thing, wouldnt it be a lot easier to contoll the humidity up to 70% and down to 40% if I had aircooled hoods?


Well-Known Member
Holy shit.

Everyone here is telling you to use air cooled hoods.

Listen to people when you ask for advice.

Get 6 8" air cooled hoods (or cool tubes with wings) and 2 8" High output Can Fans.

Hook that shit up and quit wasting the internet.



Now I have bought 3 air cooled hoods and those 3 are the only one that is turned on. I also bought a 700m3\h (400cfl) fan that sucks fresh air from outside using a 4" ducting, through the lamps ant pushes the air up out on the roof.

I really dont think it helped much, maby 1 celsius which is a couple of fahenheits...

Guess the air cooled hoods is not the way to go! Or is the 400cfl fan to weak? Hhmmm, why do I have to lean everything the hard way??! bah! Maby I need a bigger fan for the hoods, grrr.....


Well-Known Member
You definitely need more air. Just to give you an idea, for my little 20"x36"x50" tent I have one online fan blowing air into the cool tube, one fan sucking air out, and a fan sucking hot air from the carbon filter and venting it out of the tent. So fo just a 250 watt cool tube, I have three inline fans to manage temps. My tent ranges from 86 to 74 in a 74 degree room. So for you setup, I would think you need slot more getting the hot air out.


Well-Known Member
You definitely need more air. Just to give you an idea, for my little 20"x36"x50" tent I have one online fan blowing air into the cool tube, one fan sucking air out, and a fan sucking hot air from the carbon filter and venting it out of the tent. So fo just a 250 watt cool tube, I have three inline fans to manage temps. My tent ranges from 86 to 74 in a 74 degree room. So for you setup, I would think you need slot more getting the hot air out.
what cfm is each fan that just seems like over kill and why would you run a fan on each side of your hood that just doesn't make sense....


Well-Known Member
what cfm is each fan that just seems like over kill and why would you run a fan on each side of your hood that just doesn't make sense....
They are 6" 160CFM inline fans. Nothing fancy. The reason I have a fan on each side is to just move more air. On blowing cool air onto the bulb and one sucking the hot air away from the bulb. I also keep the lamp pretty close to the top of the canopy so having a cool cooltube is necessary for me.


I have fixed the air;) I added 6 air cooled hoods and a new 700cfm fan to cool them down. Now I can adjust the temperature from 65 - 85 24\hrs a day;) sw33t!

tnx for the help!


Well-Known Member
Get an intake fan to increase pressure. Plug that outtake duct and make your room more sealed. Maybe the hott air is coming back into your room threw your outtake duct. or intake duct.
I cool 6 1000 hps with a 1700cfm fan ran on a dimmer so about 1400cfm. My intake is a 600 and 400 and a couple passives so my walls dont rip down lol.
This is why insulation is so big in this game. It keeps the heat in and keeps it out. For all we know you are venting all the hott air back into your room. I vent room to room and then out side. It keeps the rooms that are sleeping warm and less humid.


Well-Known Member
Make sure you keep the shades clean. I had to clean mine once a month. You will lose light when dust is in the way. I use normal bat wings and bigger cfm fans. Ive used cooltubes once and sold them for more oldschool equitment. They are good if you are running co2 and have a fan for each row of lights. I prefer a/c's


Well-Known Member
I have fixed the air;) I added 6 air cooled hoods and a new 700cfm fan to cool them down. Now I can adjust the temperature from 65 - 85 24\hrs a day;) sw33t!

tnx for the help!
Hmm... I remember suggesting something like that in a previous post...


Hey all. My first grow is now over and I got 4553,4gram or 10.03lbs:) Thats 1.1g pr.watt... I ran 4200watt most of the time

To all who said "noob has gone over his head" bla bla bla. haha