90% failure with my clones.


New Member
I have tried cloning 3 batches of clones so fat and I haven't exactly had the best of luck. I tried cloning inn rockwool cubes in a dome with a heating pad underneath and got no roots after 10 days and i threw the clones away because they were experimental male clones.but I did have some female clones about 5 of them and I tried the bubble bucket and got some roots pretty fast on those babies but only 1 of the 5 got a good root ball and i tried forcing it into a rockwool cube and dammages some roots and it wouldnt grow. =[ I have had ABSOLUTELY NO LUCK WITH CLONING but I REALLY want to take some clones now because I just started 12/12 yesterday and want to preserve the female genes... Can anyone suggest any pointers that might help me have some success? Ps I will try to get pics by next week.


Well-Known Member
dip 'n grow. Great stuff. Or use Olivia's cloning gel. Are you cutting them with a sterile blade? Don't rely on shears(sp?), they can damage the base of the cutting and allow enhydros to invade the cutting. Avoid over watering the rockwool, and cut the leaves in half perpendicular to the length of the leaf. What is your pH? Do you live in an area with hard water? Try using bottled water.

Muffy D

Well-Known Member
you threw them away after 10 days? My strawberry clones take 10-14, and my afghanis take 3 weeks. You need to be patient. I use the same dome thing as you with schultz cloning powder from walmart. I dont even pre-soak the rockwool either. I just cut, dip, stick, and forget about them.

as for a tip, try cutting from new growth towards the bottom of the plant and try cutting shorter clones.