90% humidity


Active Member
i noticed my grow box was at 90% when i open it at lights on. my WW is on the 6th week of 12/12. lights come on at 11am. temp drops to about 10c.
so i hooked up my intake and exhaust to run through the night with no change.
im lookin for a home made remedy as funds and real tight
would more heat in the box at night reduce humidity something like a heat mat?
or would a bowl of salt absorb some of the moisture??

im worried about mold:cry:

any help would be appreciated cheers


Active Member
lol just cold and damp ireland. itz in a garden shed!
i just put a bowl of perlite in the bottom of the box,
ill try rice aswell.
i have a heater in the shed but dont realy want to leave it running, it will cost a fortune cos its electric.

whats the ideal humidity for flower?

Illegal Smile

I think you need to weigh the value of a good dehumidifier against the value of the potential yield.


id add more air flow, it should greater reduce the humidity, add a bowl of something absorbant, like madcatter said add uncooked rice


Active Member
just had a little look around and there are small dehumidifiers you can get for caravans, cheap too 3euro.
gonna try pick one up today.

do ya think the perlite will work?