90's Tunes Reminisce Thread.

the official video had an ad, and i hate ads, so we get this version.. :(

anyhoo's, not my last dance w/ mary jane obviously, but a great tune none the less.. :D

one last one, for now at least.. enjoy, spiritualized.... :D god, i miss the good ole e days and e music out of btitian in the 90s..


there's way too many good ones... no reason for this thread to ever end! haha

I'm gettin some serious nostalgia :-P
The Phoenix that gave us Wilco and Son Volt
The greatest psychedelic polka band on the planet!

The bassist I could watch play forever. God Bless Les!
Didn't these guys make a little record in the 90s?

Amazing how much I hated this album and how much I adore it today.
And for the all the grrrls who rocked so hard in the 90s

beat me to it ! heres some RHCP because well it had to be done [video=youtube;C6jElKMMOWM]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C6jElKMMOWM[/video]
One more then I'll shut up. Actually not a song, more of a reminiscence. It's something from the last great concert I saw in the 90's. Saw them at the Roseland Ballroom in NYC. Fucking amazing. Still think about it. A concert so good the adrenalin took half a day to wear off. I think this is from a dress rehearsal, but worth the click, especially for Jimmy P fans.


So what concert/gig did you guys love from the 90's. If you can remember them of course ;).
I love embedding Youtube Vevo, eliminates all the ads!.

Wish I had seen this show:

I love embedding Youtube Vevo, eliminates all the ads!.


does it really sun?? damn, never knew that, thanks for the tip as i always try to avoid videos with ads when i'm posting them here and elsewhere.. :D
Smashing Pumpkins owned the decade.
I remember their show at MSG for the "Melon Collie" tour when a large percentage, (myself and my friends included), of the audience just started walking out during there encore at MSG. Corgan started yelling shit about "who there true fans were" or something. Meanwhile they had just played the same riff over and over again for 10 or 15 minutes and it was the most boring shit ever and most everyone decided they had enough. At one point during the concert they stopped the show so Jimmy Iha could play some song he wrote for these two fan-club presidents or whovever they were. It's like they brought back all that 70's era concert BS that punk was supposed to have destroyed. It was the most self indulgent gig I ever saw and I never forgave them for that :(.

But I'll always remember what seemed like the entire upper deck at MSG giving them the finger and telling them to fuck off. Classic NYC moment!

Potvin Sucks!