90w x 1 UFO Type, opinions please!


Well-Known Member
i have not done a whole lot of research into leds but what i have learned is that you should never use an led for flowering that is less then 3watts. from all the information i have gathered up to date, anything less then a 3w led chip wont have the required canopy penetration/par/lumens

if i can suggest something similar http://www.ebay.com/itm/Pro-7-Band-Hydroponic-270w-Hydro-LED-Plant-Grow-Light-with-hangers-/130937797569?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item1e7c803bc1

also, make sure to look out for dead led chips they put in. you will notice this in the picture of the item, it will appear almost black or unlit. some might claim uv or a light that is not in our visible spectrum. most of the larger companies will not have any of these (lighthouse hydro). Please do your own research to confirm or deny my allegations as i dont wanna fuck up your grow.


Active Member
Not bad I like seeing the leds mounted directly to the aluminum (white surface) and for a dollar a watt that's a pretty good deal
that being said i would recommend a LED light with the 3 watt leds for flowering like Karousing said but that would make a decent Veg light
depending on you funds and your grow area you might check these