91 Chem Dog Closet Clone Grow!


Well-Known Member
oh and ditch the miracle grow its probaly the worst type of fertilizer you could give your plant. decent fertilizers arent always big bucks but anything but miracle grow! lol


Well-Known Member
I noitced you have an ionic breeze in there How does yours work for smell? Mines works a charm but I am still in veg. One day I could smell my plant withought opening my closet then the next day the smell was gone all thanks to ionic breeze. I am just curious as to how it works for flowering for you so far?

THATS WATS FUKIN DOIN IT HUH!!!!!!!!!:wall: god damn! i was wonderin y my plants stinks a good 1, but my room dont!!! hahahaaaa i use it the get the FlOaTiEs out the air and off my budz!


Well-Known Member
Hellz Yeah! Plus rep for the Ionice Breeze out performing the carbon filters! LOL JK I duno about that one yet but it could be true.


Well-Known Member
lol all i use is a Ona Pro smell neutrlizer its friggin amazing, its a jar with chunks of jelly and milky liquid.. but instead of covering up the smell it acutely takes it away, and the shit lasts a long time! and smells good! their slogen is "When nothing is everything!" and they aint kiddin


Well-Known Member
hahaha i hear ya bro i love the sweet smell of fresh maryjane in my room its like fuck its cleans the air it gives your room more oxygen and makes ya sleep like a baby, i love havin a lil closet grow ahaha, im not legal but i live in BC canada so shits pretty mild here concerning weed, but yeah i hear ya there haha, i only use my ona smell blocker for if i got company that i dont want smellin shit or if my landlords around ;) LOL yea ill check your grow out. im starting a new journal or have just no pics yet, but my signature is a link too it anyone interested click check it and subscribe too it because its gonna be interesting.


oh and ditch the miracle grow its probaly the worst type of fertilizer you could give your plant. decent fertilizers arent always big bucks but anything but miracle grow! lol

I didn't use Miracle grow, but it wasnt Fox Farm Big Bloom either, it was Schultz now that I look at the packaging. I gave her half dose at 5-7.5-5 decent levels for transitioning to flowering imho. Woke up this morning and took a peak into the sleeping beauty, she loved the light last night especially the mixed spectrum, these 2 6500k lights I think will allow the plant not to stretch at all and will allow her to just fill out and grow huge buds! Hopefully getting some extra money today as it is my birthday and will be buying DEFINATELY nutes FFBB maybe A.N. not sure yet. Might even be buying a 150w HPS online at Amazon for 71$ Will keep you guys posted!


Well-Known Member
Well happy Bday bro, +rep is about the best i could give u! haha but ffbb fer sure, A.N.i got a thing about them, they dont make their nutes fer food so its not xactly suppose to b in ur body, in other werds synthetic nutrients hav been known to promote brain tumors (true shit). id go with organic nutes, fox farms is organic. big bloom, grow big and tiger bloom is wat i use (+hormones, like superthrive) mainly.bongsmilie


Plant Status:
She's sleeping right now, I do not want to interrupt the beauty sleep to snap pictures, so you guys will have to wait till 11PST again tonight for new pictures, but I have taken a small peak and I am sure they will be good pictures as the tops are growing immaculately by the hour.

Temp: 79-81F with lights off

I just took another peep in the closet and it looks like shes drooping a bit, I may have overwatered her a bit yesterday. How can I counter that? Just by letting her dry out for a couple of days? How long do you guys recommend I've read of people droughting their plants for 3-4 days I just hope the soil does not get too dry in that time.

Hopefully some extra money will come tonight I really want to get some new Soil, I have been looking at pictures specifically soil and every ones soil looks so moist and wet compared to mine, I just have the regular MG Potting Mix and its very barky and dry but I have heard good things about it. I did buy a bag of pearlite after I already planted my clone, I am planning on buying some FF or Roots Organic Coco soil I have heard really good stuff about that stuff. But my question is that if I do go out and buy new soil can I take my plant out of its current pot and just replace the soil some how? It doesnt sound like a good thing to do. Maybe I will just transplant the plant into a completely new pot, I do have bigger ones they say they will hold 3Qts of soil so they are pretty decent size imo and they also look like they have a lot better drainage on them.

So long story short, I would like to transplant it to a different pot with different soil. I am really scared to do this at this current stage though because she just was transplanted from the small soil brick into the pot when I brought her home from the Co-Op, and she did go through a bit of transplant shock. My other concern is that she is still adjusting to the LST and she is getting auxins through stress, so I feel that transplanting now would add even more stress. So overall I think that my crappy soil may be better for a couple more weeks than transplanting early and stunting her growth. I will do my best to keep the soil moist and hopefully go to the hydro store tomrw and pick up some nutes probably will go with FF as they are cheap and organic like you said. Thanks guys for everyones insight and help! And thanks for the happy birthdays! I just received a Powermat wireless phone charger from my girl its really sick you guys should check it out if you have not heard of it!


Pics tonight as the lights are coming on in 5 minutes =)
Here they are as promised. Many new tops are developing loving it! As you can see though there is a slight burn in the leaves and some yellowing. I think it may be from a heat stress as one day got over 85F before I added a second fan, other than that I think it may be a nutrient burn or something I fed with Schultz 1/2 dose mixed in 2 QT's only used 1 cup to water and has had the burns ever since so I believe it is that.

Other than that she is still developing it seems, looking forward to some input criticism is widely accepted.

P.S. Tomorrow I will be crossing the CFL line and buying a HPS, 150w from HTG Supply. CFL's will still be used as supplemental lighting however.



P.S. Shes back up from her long nights (or days I should say) sleep and the lights are on so I will keep you guys posted with any differences that I notice. Peace!:peace:



did you cut the tips of the leaves and pinch the nodes or somethin after you transplanted it?
I didnt pinch any nodes or cut the leaves, the co-op did trim the ends of the leaves, when I asked why he said that it promotes root growth at a young age. Is this a major problem to worry about?


Well-Known Member
in some cass it can help growth but on the other hand it also puts a already in shock clone into even more shock, i wait until the plant recovers from 1 shock before i give it another, other people may beg to differ but thats what i know at least, its like if some dudes finger got cut off and then the doctor says well to promote healing were gonna cut your other finger off.


Well-Known Member
also 85F wont cause heat stress ive had plants in 115F (outdoors) and they might of been thirsty but they didnt "burn" slicing tips off leaves well cause browning.


and i just noticed (correct me if you already did so) but the plant from the picture's angle look rather dry.
Yeah I think that was the problem, I have had that problem all along as the soil I got was just simple miracle grow (big mistake) I am buying Fox Farms ASAP but my only issue is how to transplant it from the pot that it is in with the soil that it is in to the same pot with new soil? And I am just scared to shock it that much. I just watered her good and let it drain out


Well-Known Member
well before you transplant it let it figure shit out and stetch its roots abit and then after it has abit of new growth (sign of shock being gone) pull it out when its really dry and lightly tap some soil off it and put it in a quite abit bigger pot so it can take advantage of the premium soil, i use sunshine #4 its a professional medium soil mixture, and i just keep on reusing the same soil, soil is soil it holds cultures and nutes but you can also flush those nutes out and make it clean again, plus the old roots break down and make in soil compost! bonus
people like to say you gotta be sooo careful when you transplant but its not that harsh, aslong as you let it dry right out, not too the point of dying but pretty dry and it comes right out and you can bang off excess soil, then once you get your new soil, dont fertlize for awhile due too it probaly already has a week or two of nutes in the soil when you buy it.
hope this helps.