911 call excuse for cops to come to your house


Active Member
it's simple.


A cop wants to come inside tell them NICELY no
They keep persisting to come in tell them to get a warrant
By the time they get that you can have your plants / buds / anything else gone.


** u have rights ..???? yeah right tell the cops ur not gettin out of your car & see what they do , after they beat ur fukin ass u lay there & wait to get robbed by crackheads ,,...... search your house ,, they need a warrent ,, ,LMFAO thats the funniest thing iv herd ,, if u dont let them in , u get a flash granade thru ur window & their armored tank rips off your front door ,,,.. this is not for a raid ,, its just typical police in good ol detroit MI ,,, so i guess u live in the middle of nowhere then ..?? right ..?? cause that tell a cop *no* shit here aint gonna cut it

da man1

Active Member
Think of the shit those cops got to deal with in detroit. I've been to detroit that place is a nasty place. Think how bitter those cops are. Try moving to a bit quieter part of town where the cops don't deal with drug dealers, murders and rapist all day.


Well-Known Member
I live outside Detroit. Blaze aint bullshittin . I have had a Detroit cop drive at me head on in MY lane and pull me over when i swerved to miss him . They searched us and just left when they didn't find anything .
I used to live in Redford. And got harassed a few times there too . But nothing serious .
Detroit can be hell. If you want to be safe there you have to stay off the radar.
Don't deal, Don't mess with peeps that do. That means Almost NO traffic.
Don't rent anything but your home. No tables couches ect. If you lapse on a payment sometimes they will call the cops and say they heard smelt saw something . Just trying to get there stuff back .

You can be safe there . You just cant have a social life. Which imo. Isn't too hard.


i've dated a police officer. she told me the ends AND outs.

she told me how much her coworkers are crooked. how racist they are. and how sexist they are. did i leave out classist as well?

i've taken your views with more than just a grain of salt.

i just so happen to be on both sides of the fence at the time, and i dont think your experience can come close to mines at all!
you dont know what kind of "experience" i have... so how can you judge my opinions based off of pure speculation? ill agree sexist, racist, classest, it all exists in the police force...but for the most part its minor and the cops that are in it to beat up innocent people or harrass women are not the ones that make it to retirment!!


Well-Known Member
the other day the cops came to my house and said someone called 911 and hung up...which nobody did, we were all sleeping.....he proceeded to say he wanted to take a look around just in case...lucky for me my room is well hidden and he didnt find anything but the second he was gone so were the plants...might be paranoid but i dont think i am my friend got busted the same way....so i am moving in a few weeks and i will start over...but i will have no land line for this particular reason..
never let cops into your house....never. ever...make em break the door down