911 Conspiracy

The events that unfolded on 911 were

  • Other! without evidence !

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Well-Known Member

I have been reading posts on another forum. They have a conspiracy thread,
great reading no matter which side you take.

I've posted a little poll to see what people think about 911.

For years I took the events of 911 at face value. To me the media had shown me all I need to know about 911.
One of my sons friends was watching one of the 911 conspiracy films on the net. I asked him what it was and laughed at him telling him he was crazy for watching that stuff. I watched a bit with him and it did peek my interest. Since then I have watched hours of information on 911. I am still looking for more.
Something is not right!
I'm not at a point to say what is wrong with the whole 911 story. I will say people that just shrug off the events of 911, and blindly believe the mainstream media, are doing a great disservice to the people lost that day.

There are things I know from life experience and just fact of physics.
Airliners that crash leave lots of debris.
Buildings when damaged on one side, do not fall straight down onto themselves.
Crime Scene evidence is preserved, not packed up and destroyed before a thorough investigation is finished.
Investigations should be preformed by independent investigators, not people that have much to loose if they come to the wrong conclusion.

I would like some links to sites that debunk 911 conspiracies validly.
I need more FACTS not OPPINIONS on what happened.
Oppinions are easy to come by, we all have one.



Well-Known Member
I can't help you with a link to debunk the evidence ... I know people like to use Popular Mechanics, but that was debunk by the movement ... I know there is another, that people like to refer to, but a lot of that is in question as well ... I'm sure someone here knows of the site I refer to ...
... now I'm one of those people that believes 911 was a false flag operation .... and there are plenty that believe that ... or don't believe the "official" story ...

Ex-Italian Prime Minister says 9/11 was carried out by CIA and Mossad

Eight U.S. State Department Veterans Challenge the Official Account of 9/11

Former cabinet members of the British, Canadian and German governments and the Chief of Staff of the Russian Army have publicly expressed their doubts about the official 9/11 story.

This 20-Year CIA Vet Crazy For Saying 9/11 Is a Probable Inside Job?

Now the people that go along with the cover-up story claim folks like me are merely part of a tin-foil hat club ... well .... we have lots of members apparently and they are world wide from all walks of life...

CNN: '1 in 3 Americans Believe 9/11 Was Inside Job'

It would be much higher than that if most american weren't asleep at the wheel ... :neutral:


Well-Known Member

Anybody that can't see 9/11 are ignoring the facts. I guess the truth is too much for some people...Whoever thinks it was a terrorist attack deserves a mushroom tatto across the forehead.


Well-Known Member
Thank you fdd2dlk for the link.

It's not the debunking link i was looking for but cuts to the heart of the matter.
These people died for no reason what so ever and we owe it to them to have the truth known.

Im sure by looking at the poll, there must be good information clearly showing this as a terrorist attack, with no coverup.

Please leave me a link to this information.

Thank You


Well-Known Member
Of course this is a terrorist attack! What would you call destroying two GIANT skyscrapers full of thousands of innocent people? A terrorist attack.

But our government is seeping with corruption and they have plenty of filth on their hands. Even if the attack wasn't a gov. planned event, they certainly used it to their advantage. So many people... and politicians use it many years later to push agendas.

I no longer feel safe... not because i'm afraid of the middle east. The middle east is so pissed at each other they'll kill themselves before us. I have muslims in my family who HATE shitte's because they're sunni... But aren't these just beliefs? faith? not something you can prove... just ideas? It's a shame... we can develop technology that even 50 years ago wasn't imaginable but we can't find a way for peace?

And everybody's asking questions like this poll... Does it matter? REAALLLY? No... If you're trying to decide if you think the government doesn't care about lives, the proof is there... NO the government doesn't care about your life. The word government means long lines, red tape, and bullshit. But it will never die, so submit and relax, cause we will


Well-Known Member
Thanks all for the replies.

Staysafe420 i disagree, it does matter, justice needs to be served.
Regardless who are the guilty parties, they need to be exposed and prosecuted.

If this is swept under the rug, and no further investigations are done,
a grave injustice has been done.

I have seen plenty of valid proof we are not being told the truth.

I Want some links to show me 911 was definitely a terrorist attack, with no cover up involved.
Some good debunking info has to be out there, please link me some.


Well-Known Member
I think you missed my point. I like your enthusiasm, i had it the same way once. Very strongly for the same reason.

I think it's pretty obvious the government had hands in this somewhere, but the whole government is part of a greater crime involving a much larger an amount of people...

I'd say.... a nation of people...

They are the one's who punish, the one's who should be punished, yet the one's who will never be punished

They won... They've dumped such an enormous amount of bullshit in peoples heads that nobody could ever sort through it all. Even if they're punished, everybody's opinions rule them now. So stubborn that they let the real terrorists get away.

Why can't we see that when we bleed we bleed the same


Well-Known Member
Good Morning everyone!

Well this morning it looks as if 37% of the poll believes 911 was the real deal.
A terrorist attack with no government cover up.
I have received no links to point me in the direction of believing this.
Debunking links 0

I did run onto a link in another thread and watched it. Not a debunking link just more information outlining what led up to 911.

A long film, but if you can set through it you will get a lot of insight.

I am still looking for Debunking links with good information on the truth of 911.

StaySafe420 I think I hear what your saying now, and your reputation with me has gone up accordingly :peace:


Well-Known Member
Thank you GrowRebel for the links.

It will take a bit to checkout these links, I will add some input as I go through them.

I have already seen the NIST report and I don't think it comes to a good conclusion. Global collapse is just an easy way to say we are done looking into this. Personally I put more stock into the UL (Underwriters Laboratories) test that were preformed than computer simulations.

For me these links rule out their explanation.
Richard Gage, AIA, Architect - "How The Towers Fell" - Complete 2 Hour Presentation | 911Blogger.com
Video 9/11 Truth: NIST Report Debunked - 9/11, 911, 9-11, september, commission - Dailymotion Share Your Videos

I have googled it and I was looking for some input into good links.
Tons of sites come up and i find a vast majority spend more time picking apart typos and assassinating characters than dealing with the facts.

If you got some links that deal with the facts I would really like a link.
I,m reading and watching a lot and would like to streamline my search.

Thank You

On to the other links!


Well-Known Member
Most of the debunkers were debunked ... the only flaw I saw in the link you provided was they said the Empire State building was hit by a B-52 ... that is wrong ... it was a B-25 ...


New Member
george bush did it
That could be, but here's the rub: Everything that they have tried since they've been in office (Bush-Cheney) has been a fiasco and mostly has been proven to be. If these Bozos did this, why hasn't it been shown more in the MSM? Why isn't there more proof floating around? Why hasn't someone come forward with inside info? They've screwed up every plan they've had. Why should we assume they pulled this one off without a hitch?