911! Yellow Spots, curly dried leaves....


Well-Known Member
Need some help please...

When the roots were coming out of the bottom of the Skunk#1, I repotted it to a 4.5 l pot. It was only 10 days old and doing good until then. While repotting I noticed the roots were already circling around the edges, so I loosened them up and broke a couple roots on the bottom. After 2 days, yellow spots appeared on the bottom leaves, and today some spread on the next set of leaves.
I read it could be PH. But I discussed this with the people from the Growshop and they said our tap water has good PH as long as I let it sit. Havent used Nutes yet.
Plus one leaf on the top is getting dry and wavy, tho I didnt change light distance.
The curly, wavy leaves are on all of my AK48s, which are 5 days younger than the Skunk and further from the light. I get temps from 88-90F.




Well-Known Member
The thing is with the PH, I wanna trust the guys from the grow shop, as theyre actually telling me theres no need to buy one of the expensive PH meters they have. So this tells me they are honest, and Im sure they have plenty of experience. So what else could it be?


Active Member
I wouldnt rely on someone elses opinion about ph. You can get a cheap meter, Milwaukee P600 i believe, for $20 online. Its decent. Whats the RH? 85-90 is high temps for a small plant. What nutes are you feeding and how much? What soil?


Well-Known Member
88-90 is way too much. Your plants should be in temps anywhere from 70-85, so I usually keep mine at 80-83 lights on and 73-76 lights off.
Vegging plants also like humidity between 40%-60%. U can reach this by boiling water and keeping the pot near your plants.
Yellowing leaves means iron deficiency so get some bat guano to help with that. Before you add the nutes though, I would re-pot your sick plants. Re-potting is the easiest and most effective way to get your plants looking healthy. Bad water flow and clogging is the number one reason peoples plants die or yield less.

Wish you luck!


Active Member
I noticed you said that you uncurled the roots from the bottoms this can play a factor in why they arent doing great and the little plant in the middle looks pretty good. Many people touch roots and they are soo fragile and can be damaged with light extreme temps and careless handling and touching its highly unadvised to touch the roots they tend to do their own thing and normally dont like being touched. Your temps are pretty dang high im surprised they havent shriveled from over heat thats happened to me before lower the temp to be like 67 to 73 degrees F thats an ideal temp range. Also circulation is very important in the grow room air has to leave when it is used up and new air has to come in and replace it. Check your water with a digital ph i feel it is more exact i had some litmus papers and they were kind of vague but 6.0 to 6.5 is a good range for the ph in soil and can even be a bit higher if you flush properly.
Hope this helps


Active Member
88-90 is way too much. Your plants should be in temps anywhere from 70-85, so I usually keep mine at 80-83 lights on and 73-76 lights off.
Vegging plants also like humidity between 40%-60%. U can reach this by boiling water and keeping the pot near your plants.
Yellowing leaves means iron deficiency so get some bat guano to help with that. Before you add the nutes though, I would re-pot your sick plants. Re-potting is the easiest and most effective way to get your plants looking healthy. Bad water flow and clogging is the number one reason peoples plants die or yield less.

Wish you luck!

Yellowing leaves isnt an iron deficiency unless its on the new growth. Humidity for veg plants should be in the 60-70's and 40-50 in flower to stop mold and mildew growth. Touching the roots isnt that bad, but not advised. Get the temps lower and humidity up


Well-Known Member
The thing is with the PH, I wanna trust the guys from the grow shop, as theyre actually telling me theres no need to buy one of the expensive PH meters they have. So this tells me they are honest, and Im sure they have plenty of experience. So what else could it be?
I recently made this mistake, waiting far too long to get a pH meter, finally buying one and totally disproving everything the guys at the grow shop said.
Unless it's backed up by science, it's just bullshit and hear say. Get the equipment. Monitoring pH is absolutely vital to your grow (even in soil, against the insistence of the dick heads at my grow shop).
At the very least you need to measure the pH of what you are pouring into your soil, which should be around 6.5.
To illustrate, the guys at my grow shop told me (with an air of authority) that local water was 6-6.5. It measures 8 on my digital stick, which is not a problem in itself, just that they fed me misinformation which I falsely believe to be valid, moderately fucking me over later in the grow. That and I did not listen to the advice given to me on this forum about this exact topic...

I'm not insinuating my opinion is law, just that getting a pH meter makes the process of elimination (determining what is the cause of the problem, if there is one) so much easier.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the reply everyone!
OK I will get a PH meter, seems to be a must have! I just didnt get one earlier cuz they're expensive here, couldnt find anything under 70 bucks. But I just found one for 30 online.
I know my temps are high, I was contemplating getting a cooltube. After some research in forums I found guys in hot regions were growing at 95F and their plants loved it, or so they said. I'll be getting a cool tube for my next grow. Just wanna test if my plants can take the heat aswell. Couple days ago I fixed a PC fan just below the bulb, now I get max temps up to 87, lights off its 71. My RH ranges from 30%-50%, I know should be higher, but Ive tried putting a bowl of water, hanging wet towels... nothing really works for me.

2 more follow up questions:

Now Im really kicking myself, cuz I loosened and broke a couple of the long roots that were circling around the edges. I did some research before repotting, and read it somewhere, big mistake. They havent grown much since repotting so must be under shock... What can I do to help them recover?

Im going organic. I got this Plagron (Alga GRow) nute. I dont know if you have it in the US, its being produced in Amsterdam. When can I start feeding them with it? Would it be better if I fix the possible PH problem first or can I already start with small dosage? Im using Agro soil, which was available at the grow shop. They have nutes in them which would last for two weeks.


Active Member
normally plant soils that have nutes can last anything from 2-5 weeks, your best bet is to get your ph sorted first and if you are correcting the ph always do it after you add nutes, nutes normally lowers ph a bit. also dont assume that the ph of your tap water will always stay the same, mine fluctuates about from 7.5-8. dont always listen to guys in grow shops as they give out very vague information at times. you only have to look through the forum and you will see some of the advice grow shop guys have given has been mediocre at best.
also when using the nutes use half the mininmum dose for the first go and see how your plants get on. the skunk i have grown normally shed there first leaves pretty quick. also do all you can to get the temps down.
the most important thing is getting fresh air into the plants, its vital not to let the warm dank air settle around your plants, a flow of fresh air is key.
good luck with rest of the grow.
another thing aswell, you will normally see the wavy leaves under 24 hour light, its not a problem but i veg under 18/6 now.


Well-Known Member
Thanks man. I do have 180 m3/hr exhaust and passive intake. First just had a passive intake the size of the exhaust, then added 3 more of the same size.. didnt improve much. But since I installed the pc fan under the bulb my max temps are at 87F... I might add some more fans.
I ordered the PH meter today, but my guess is it will take a week or two til I get it delivered.
OK Ill wait with the feeding, I just hope my precious plants dont die on me til then...
I have had a similair problem with yellow/brown spots. My guess is its a calcium difficiency. I was adding nutes without PH testing and it turned out th PH was 5.0 and then I was adding it to soil and I think it locked up the calcium. I am still struggling to keep mine alive. I added some garden lime so far.
Good luck.