96 watt fluro grow


Well-Known Member
hello im 11 days into my grow (i think), lol
im using a sun system 96 watt fluorescent fixture, 2 X 6500K and 2 X 3000K 24 watt t5 each
im using GH flora nova grow, 3 day sitting brita filtered water @ ph 6.5
i started using rockwool cubes at first trying a small flood and drain system but without a proper setup and nutes i quickly switched to some soil, got a proper light and some nutes and ph +/- and tester
they have been doing ok since i put them in the soil and got nutes.
iv posted some pics of the plants from before and now and of the grow box.
some input would be great as its my first time growing and im a noob at this
thanks all

pic 1 is my grow setup
pic 2 is plant 1 from 2 days ago
pic 3 is plant 2 from 2 days ago
pic 4 is plant 1 today
pic 5 is plant 2 today



Well-Known Member
nice man, i've been thinking about picking up that ballast for those t5's i currently only have 1.. money's been tight right now.. hehe anyway looks like your off to a good start.


Well-Known Member
thanks Cannabox, i like the light, its brite, quiet and not 2 much power used :)
also forgot to mention iv got them on 18/6 light schedual, i had them on 24/0 before i got this light but id like to hear more input on this, iv searched and asked but didnt get much of a response :S


Well-Known Member
ya.. that is a toss up man with the light schedule, what is better yadda yadda.. do what you feel is better ;) 18/6 is good.. it lets the plants rest etc, unless it gets real cold with the lights off.. then keep them on 24/0 to maintain a good temperature.

ya those t5's are pretty slick.. real low heat, low watts, and SUPER lumens :P
great for stealth spots for sure.. you can mount them pretty much anywhere..


Well-Known Member
@ RJISDABOSS it will grow but its not the bust ammount of light, check the lumen output of your light and the color temp in kelvin 6500 kelvin is best for vegg and i think 13 watt cfl gives 680 lumens or something like that
my fixture has 8000 lumens total with 2 6500k and 2 3000k bulbs total 96 watt
more light the better, i started with 2 13 watt cfls on 24/0 and plant grew fine but slow, even after i added an adition 26 watt cfl didnt go 2 much better


Well-Known Member
I think in the near future i will use T5's for vegging. I've seen these things in action. They are bright:-)



Well-Known Member
more power to you Hank
some people mite disagree but i think that having 12-16,000 lumens of fluro light close up to your plants works rele well as long as you can position lighting from all angles for more light penetration, but for flowering nothing beats a good hps


Well-Known Member
just using random lights wont due u much good, it should be 6500K or 6400K for vegg
the more light the better, if its small light u can only sustain a small plant, and small yield
id say if your already buying cfls save up the extra money and invest in a simular fixture as mine for vegg and id say for flower go with hps its an investment but youll get bigger better buds


Well-Known Member
heat shouldnt be an issue either way, the more lumens the better but its also a good ideat to have light from many angles all around the plant so less watts but more lights can be better than just one big powerfull light


Well-Known Member
i think its better to get the 3pak than one, yes
try and have the light be 6500K (looks kinda bluish, not yellow)
you can have them close to the plant like 4inches as lights arent hot
once you get going take some pics and start a thread if you have more questions about your setup


Well-Known Member
Hey Ganja,

I'm on my second flouro grow. This grow I added side lighting so in all I have eight 4-ft t-5's surrounding nine plants. Plan on adding side lighting cause it made all the difference in the world.

this will be my last total flouro grow. The MH or HPS lighting during flowering will give huge yields compared to our flouro grows.

Mine are four weeks into 12/12, take a look and you'll see what you'll get. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
i was where you are like three grows ago, with that same fixture. It will work and you will get some decent bud. I added another fixture the same one and some 40w CFLs and now i'm getting some awesome bud.

PS flowering is going to take FOREVER if you don't add more light. Oh and in veg just go with all 6500k they grow much better and faster


Well-Known Member
thanks for the input
it deff looks like ill be getting some more fixtures for the sides and ill stick in 3 26 watt 6500 cfl's as well to boost the light output, the cfls ill do today but ill neet to save a bit more $$ for the fixtures
for flowering im looking to buy either 400 or 600 watt HPS, should i get the oldschool ballasts or invest the extra 50 bux and get a digital ballast from gallaxy


Well-Known Member
digital ballasts are way more energy efficient, more quiet and make the bulbs last longer i hear.
i don't know from experience, but this is what people say that use em.

(i have heard the difference though. they are quiet.)


Well-Known Member
here are pics from today, still growing well
any ideas what the browning is on the leaf tips
also a pic of the ballast im looking to get for later when i flower
also how dry should my soil get before next watering, i was going to wait 3 days but its been 42 hours since last water and about 3/4 of an inch of the top of soil is dry and its a bit moist further down...



Well-Known Member
petejonson im just using that small box for these plants when they get bigger they will be moved to a tall walkin closet space where i can have a 400 watter
or are you recommending i get like a 75 watt MH for these plants now


Well-Known Member
pics from today are here
there is a lot of new growth and all seems to be healthy
my concern is the first set of leafs on the bottom that are still brown at the tips, its not going away and very slowly spreading back, should i remove these leaves or let them be



Well-Known Member
thats cool man i have a similar set up, 4 forty watt florescent bulbs, with one big ass cfl thats the equivalent to a 300w incandescent. Puts out enough light right? id say about roughly 15,000 lumens


Well-Known Member
sounds like an interesting setup, id like to see that 300 watt equivalent cfl
i have a few brown spots on 2 of the bottom leafs on one of my plants but i think its cuz i spilt some nute water onto those leafs or is it sumthing else
also i was surprised to see that my second plant had 2 of its leafs curl in and turn into little yellow shriveled leafs and now they actually opened up and started growing, they are still yellowish and curvy but im always amassed at how they can come thru

