9k first grow


Well-Known Member
Got 9000w,160 plants, its-about-to-go down! Posting in historic thread and subscribed. People saying watch out for leo and this and that want this guy to get caught cause lord knows he is going to supply his whole county with weed for months. I know some people are worried about his safety but some are banking on him getting caught which isn't right. Don't be mad cause what he eats dont make you shit. haha tens of thousands of dollars at the end of his first grow man that is cool.


Well-Known Member
Just ignore the negitive posts. Keep your bill paided up and you'll have no worries. What ever you do don't steal the power. Thats will get your ass caught. You could have just opened up your new welding business for all they know. A welder uses alot of electicity too. If your really worried put up a sign on your garage that says Joeblows welding. LMAO. Good cover if you ask me.


this is amazing im in for the ride casue god knows i dont have the space let alone the balls for something like this if i saw MrDoe on the street i would bow to his greatness ha ha


Active Member
i wish u the best of luck.. that is one helluva set up you got going.. i find that really freakin' cool.. keep up the good work..

Buddha C

Hey, bud, if you ever get actually worried about your heat signature try this. It's some kind of bead with air spacing that keeps the heat down by like 1/20 of original, or something like that. Good shit, plan on coating my shed with that shit for my first grow.http://www.hytechsales.com/


Active Member
Very intriguing shit goin down here. The hating has to stop people, let the grow be and sit back and learn something.


Well-Known Member
Considering he just said hes posting from WiFi until he gets internet back, I don't think he has to worry.

Take lots of pics! Even if you upload them later, it's worth the wait.

You should add a couple of UVB fluorescents to your grow.


New Member
Hey guy,nice setup,id prolly have gotten digital ballasts(less heat) and go vertical in some way,shape or form,other than that,good luck man...bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
whats that 'hydroton' bags ya got there? that the inert matter balls?
and ya deserve an A+ for the construction/carpentry. nice set up man


Well-Known Member
whats that 'hydroton' bags ya got there? that the inert matter balls?
Hope this helps...;-)


Derived from a renewable and plentiful source (clay), Hydroton is considered an ecologically sustainable growing medium. The clay is formed into pellets and fired in rotary kilns at 1200°C. This causes the clay to expand, like popcorn, and become porous.

Hydroton hydroponic growing media is light in weight, does not compact and is completely reusable - it can be cleaned and sterilised after use. They are also inert, pH neutral and do not contain any nutrients. The pellets drain freely and do not hold any excessive water, which is why they provide good oxygen levels around the root and why they are particularly suitable for flood and drain systems.

In drip irrigation systems the pellets can be mixed with a medium with better capillary action so the feed is dissipated broadly through to prevent salt build-up.

Hydroton hydroponic growing media is a substitute for normal plant-soil and is mainly used in hydroculture / hydroponic systems as well as for decoration.



Well-Known Member
I suppose you could... but it would be the most laborious hydro set up ever..

if you're gonna do that, mights as well add a res, a pump and a timer...:lol: