9yr Old Plant


Well-Known Member
A buddy of mine has a 9 year old plant and shit the main stalk is like a tree im just curious how do u get a plant thats nine years old.Isnt the plant life over after ur done flowering????
Why don't you just ask your buddy how he has done it, and pass the info along? Personally, I think that he is just playing a little game with you. For one thing, I don't know of anyone who wants snails or slugs anywhere near their plants. Would love to hear more details though, if it turns out to be legit. I live in Florida, and they grow year round here. I just haven't had any luck keeping them going after harvest outdoors.


Active Member
I thought you were learning ?>? I thought snails were bad for MJ plants though... LOL
lol i am learning alot but this dude is a partier lol if u seen his to pinky nails u would no lol his 2 pinkys r like 4 inchs never noticed but i guess thats for coke righ


Active Member
all he said about the snails is they work wonders in his garden do i no wha they do no lol i try to unerstad her terminalogy but like i said he dosent do anythin by the boooks hangs 3 days then smokes with NO CURE lol i dunna how he gets his buds lookin the way he does but i no he wont use chemicals


Active Member
Why don't you just ask your buddy how he has done it, and pass the info along? Personally, I think that he is just playing a little game with you. For one thing, I don't know of anyone who wants snails or slugs anywhere near their plants. Would love to hear more details though, if it turns out to be legit. I live in Florida, and they grow year round here. I just haven't had any luck keeping them going after harvest outdoors.

i found this article
I think it is important to put into perspective the role that slugs and snails play in the environment of your garden. They are decomposers to use an ecologist's term, they eat and consume everything that is important to us gardeners and have no respect for other peoples' hard work. They are actually quite rude, I mean who else would just slime on into your garden and start eating your fruits and vegetables without permission. Seriously though, they are consumers and decomposers of dead, damaged and decaying plant matter and as they eat, they return such matter back into the life cycling systems of the soil which enhances the soil's fertility. Slugs and snails are actually important contributors in a healthy garden. Local myth says that our coastal slugs can grow to legendary proportions, reaching up to one foot in length, but has anyone ever really seen a slug that long? And if you did, surely such a rare and graceful organism should be captured and sent to a research laboratory for study and possible genetic manipulation so it could be grown to reach the size of a small harbour seal and then trained to eat the tonnes of garbage we produce.

Read more: http://www.nsnews.com/life/Snails+health+garden/3161079/story.html#ixzz0sMs2x6yr
says the snails eat things that are decompossing make sure ur plant stays healthy


Well-Known Member
ya man you can keep a plant goin indefinately, when you harvest, leave the fan leaves and just take the bud, don't kill the plant, then stick it back under 24 hour lighting the plant will go back to veg state and in time can be flowered again
Wont that stress turn it in to a hermie?


Active Member
i new he wasnt bsing me lol just cuz it sounds werid shit remember this dude has more experience then the age of most of us


Well-Known Member
A buddy of mine has a 9 year old plant and shit the main stalk is like a tree im just curious how do u get a plant thats nine years old.Isnt the plant life over after ur done flowering????

why not ask him?makes more sense than putting the question to a buncha strangers


Global Moderator
Staff member
hangs 3 days then smokes with NO CURE
He's definitely jerking your chain on this one - Curing is absolutely necessary to avoid that "Hay" taste as the chlorophyll must be broken down & that just can't happen with a 3 day hang.
And just because he's older than you (bet I am too) doesn't mean he's a Ganja guru.


Well-Known Member
i new he wasnt bsing me lol just cuz it sounds werid shit remember this dude has more experience then the age of most of us
you cant even throw in a comma or a period in any of your posts? it hurts the eyes to even try to read...

on the slugs, i know in some parts i grew up in Cali, i found some that were easily over 8" long, but tbh no i dont think i ever saw one at 1'. i think their use in a garden can be appreciated, but not in the Marijuana Garden. I think in most (especially indoor) gardens, we try so hard to emulate the perfect scenario that having a 'bug' around isnt worth it. how many nutrients would he be putting back into the soil compared to how much vegetation it eats? being someone who uses nutes anyways, i dont need the slugs benefits, or its apetite, in my indoor garden.


Active Member
Also, my mom has had some success with keeping dormant roots alive through the winter. She cuts plant off about three inches above the soil, and buries the stump under a mound of leaf mulch about two feet thick. In the spring she uncovers stump, gives it a good dose of ferts and new branches come out from sides of the stump. Problem is this really only works outdoors, and roots still may die during winter. You can tell if roots died with a glance when you uncover in the spring. Stump will be completely brown ( if alive stump below amputation will be green ) and a tug will confirm that roots are no longer viable in the soil. Still, if you grow outdoors and have a good performing plant it's worth a shot to have it grow back the next year.