A 12/12 from seed experiment - CFL's


Well-Known Member
Ok...trying to find the best grow method for myself...and decided to give this a shot

Working with:
Grow tent - 4x2x5
Soil: Earthgro top soil mixed with a bunch of hydroton
Nutes: Flora Nova & Kool Bloom
Cfl's: 105w (full spectrum) 55w(warm white) 43w(warm white)
An an array of 20w & 23w's soft & warm white
Also, theres a 1x1 LED panel in there (mixed red & blue)

Pic # 1- the set up
White pot (fem Snow White from Nirvana) going into a veg cab
Orange Pot- Also a fem Snow White (sprouted 10/7) 3 weeks 3 days old -
(suffered from nute burn hence the size)
Coke 2 liter - unknown bagseed (sprouted 10/21) 10 days old
Clear 2 liter - unknown bagseed (sprouted 10/30) 1 day old
20oz bottle to the right - (sprouted 10/30) i day old
20oz bottle "n" on it - Unknown Nirvana seed - popping the soil as we speak

Pic #2 - Snow white
Pic#3 - Coke bottle beast

I'll label their veg times on the containers tonight - not gonna transplant either...wanna see how the different size bottles effect everything!!!

Lights are getting switched when i get home later!!!! :)

