A Bad eEperience on X


Well-Known Member
Had my first bad experience on X.

Lord lord lord.

Don't ever take this stuff and then find your way to a show comprised of a trio of rock impersonators: A Roy Orbison impersonator, a Buddy Holly Impersonator and finally... wait for it.... an Elvis.

This was a high end theater, but I was surrounded by old women on girls night out and the experience was monstrous. Now mind you, I'm probably as old as these women are but still.

Hideous is the only word that comes to mind and I was somehow glued to my seat by the drug, I could not simply get up and leave, I had to endure.

No drug on the planet could have made this bearable, what was I thinking?

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
Friend ... excellent story ... it Cheered me Up on a 'shitty day' ....
I feel YOU pain and share sentiments .... and laughter ... in good taste.

Ahh what a tale for YOUr Memoir !!

Outstanding Story !!!


Well-Known Member
Wow that's hilarious! Too bad they weren't all young girls on girls night out... then at least you could forget about the elvis. Usually getting stuck to your seat on X is a beautiful experience... I guess not in this case!!!
i had a bad roll also but quite diffrent than yours.....it stated when i unknowingly drank just too much water(a rookie mistake made bc i just wasnt paying attention and everyone with me never took it b4 so they didnt know to stop me) and started dryheaving and sweating prefusly and after about 20 min of that i was ok but extreamly on edge bc i believe i wasnt far from hypothermia and i couldent stop paceing around my livingroom for four or five hours....it was the first time i made a mistake with water and i just wont take it again bc that experience ruined e for me.....ive taken it a handfull of times b4 that and had a great time but never again sense then....plus there are other drugs i enjoy more....its funny bc i was just thinking about posting a thread about bad trips on e.