A Bit Late, But Finally Made It To The Battle. A Rookies Journal, Comment Please!


I use Age Old Organics "grow" blend. It's got a 12-6-6 NPK. It's good shit, but I went overboard with it. I suggest you use nutes, but use an 1/8 of the recommended dose, and never heavily feed. It is better to be more frequent with your feedings, than it is to give heavy feedings sporadically.


Active Member
Do you ever go full strengh? Like I know you're supposed to start at 1/8 of course, but I guess I don't know at how many weeks old the plants can handle 1/8 nutes? Do you feed every other watering? Also, do you use the same nutes for veg for flower too? I know it's a different npk ratio right?


Good news! I've added an oscillating fan, so no more box fan beating up my plants.

I mounted it to the floor to save some floor space. Fuck the massive stand it came with. If I used it, the fan would be in the middle of the box.

As far as the girls are concerned, they're looking nice, and growing by the day. The Magnesium deficiency has begun to dissipate and they seem to be eating the Co2. Today is day 28, and hopefully I'll be flowering soon. Any opinions, how tall should I let them get before they flower 20 inches? 2 feet?

I think a lot of depends on the medium you grow out of. I use Fox Farm's Ocean Forest, which is full of nutrients. Most people say you won't need to feed for the first month, but I started after 2.5 weeks, when I started to notice discoloration. From what I've read and been told, never go above 1/4 strength of the recommended dose. I'm sure it's safe if done properly, but being a stoner, I've noticed it is easy to fuck things up.

Here is a brief summary of the feeding table I use, from The Cannabis Grow Bible, which I recommend to any novice, such as myself:

-For seedlings, use a soil with an even NPK and no nutes.
-After germination, don't feed for three weeks, unless the plant shows yellowing, if you do feed, use an even NPK, or one with more Nitrogen 20-10-10. Use at a 1/4 strength.
-If your plant shows any yellowing, increase feeding strengths until yellowing stops. Increase by 25%-33% before trying 50% or higher.
-In the second week of growth you should be adding secondary nutrients. Mix at a 1/4 strength. Give your plants secondary nutrients once, every other week (This is where I fucked up and developed my Magnesium deficiency.
-Once every second week, add micro nutrients at 1/4 strength (This is why I like Age Old products, they have all the micro nutes you need, in the grow and bloom blends).
-When Calyxes arrive switch to a food with a higher P than N and K (1-2-1) and continue to feed as usual.


Active Member
Those plants look really good. Well how anxious are you for your weed is the question. Since they may triple or double in size you should kinda guess how tall you want them and change the light cycle once they've had enough veg. You could start today and you would still end up with a great yield I bet.


Thanks a lot man, makes me rest a little easier when I hear good things. I'm always stressing about the ladies. The anticipation is unbearable, to think that I still have 65-70 of flowering ahead of me! The highest they can grow is 6 feet before they reach the "hot zone" under my light, since I'm not running an air-cooled setup, or a cool tube. So I should let get close to twenty and hit the lights. Right now I'm making odor control purchases and trying to estimate the fluctuation of the temperature and humidity when the light is off, during the 12/12. Since I've been rolling 24/7, I'm unsure as to what will happen in the Golgi App. Oh shit, forgot to mention, I finally received my copy of the Marijuana Garden Saver. Another recommended title to any newbie. The reason I'm excited is that I was able to determine that my magnesium deficiency was not a magnesium deficiency, but a calcium deficiency. Either way, my solution alleviates both ailments, but safe to know for next time.

As far as the yield is concerned, I'm having modest expectations, but I've think I've been doing these plants quite well, so hopefully they'll return the favor.


Active Member
Dude, if you have an hps, you're going to get a pretty damn good amount. haha assuming half are females anyways. I got insanely lucky with my first NL grow and got 8 females, 2 died so Im not sure what they were. If you do try to make them as big as they can get after they start getting close to your light you could swap it with cfls since most of the growth will already be done and they won't get burnt or anything. But that's an "if" statement.


So, day 30, quite a critical period. I'm going to begin flowering within the next day or two. Just some basic light-proofing and I'm ready. I woke up this morning to find a 4 calyxes with pistols sticking out, so I know I have one female. That was a strange occurrence, considering I rarely here of sexing during the preflowering phase. Anyway, I picked up some Odor Killer and plan on ordering a timemist plus dispenser, along with a case of odor neutralizing spray. I'm hoping those products, along with a few dorm room smoke-proofing tricks should take care of any odor issues. In 6 days, my plants have nearly doubled, the tallest is at 14 inches. I can't wait, ooooh, I can't wait. I've posted a couple more pics, so I hope everyone enjoys!

This is the overhead view of one of my Wonder Women. This is the healthiest, most abundant plant I have in the Golgi App. I'm proud of her, even, thick side growth all around. I hope she is a she, because she looks like she produce some monster buds.


Well, sorry guys, I'm having some trouble managing my attachments. This is the only pic for now. I'll post the rest later.


Well-Known Member
Alright, so the homemade Co2 dispensers have been added. I hope they work, if not I'll be baking some bread. I used a pretty simple method: mix two cups sugar with two cups warm, and mix a tablespoon of baking soda with two cups cold water, combine the mixture in a 2-liter (i'm using gallon jugs). Pour in a packet of yeast, shake vigorously and place in the grow room. Also, put a decent size hole in the lid of the bottle, or jug you use.

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Newb Grower, I'm on the 25th day. Thanks for the tip, but some of those yellowing I burnt with Nitrogen, so I'm leaning more towards Magnesium.

wait what does that do?? the water leaves the bottle?


Day 31, and I'd be lying if I said I weren't anxious. Two plants have shown their sex thus far, and they're both female, one wonder woman, and an NYPD. I don't have a camera capable of taking good enough shots of the pistils. Anyway, I measured my plants today, something I do every Thursday. I'll list last week's measurements along side this week's:

WW=Wonder Woman
NYPD=New York Power Diesel

WW1-8.25/12.5 inches


As you can see by the numbers, these things have really started to grow. I'm a believer in the effectiveness of the homemade Co2 dispenser. My plants have really seemed to enjoy it's presence, and it will be a fixture in all my future gardens.

Here are a few more pics:


As you can see, my grow space is starting to fill up. Once I cut the light back, I'll have a jungle in the Golgi. I'm gaining valuable experience by the day, but you can see symptoms of overwatering with the two plants in the back, of the middle picture. When will I learn!

I've light-proofed the box, programmed my timer, picked some bloom nutes with Myco Fungi and have started to take major odor control measures. The time to flower is near.

I know you're not supposed to hope for males, but I kind of am. I like to free up a little space in the box, and cross breed my strains. My girlfriend came up with the possible name: Diesel Woman. I like it.


My timer has been programmed, and plugged in. My light will turn off in 56 minutes, and after that, won't illuminate the Golgi App for another 12 hours. I like the height, bursting calyxes, and the fact that three have already shown that they're ladies. Nirvana is the best, indeed. I don't want them to get too tall, because I have enough light for 25 square feet, in an 8 ft x 4 ft box, so the temps can get high, therefore I don't want them to grow too close to the light. I don't want to jeopardize the precious cola buds. I'm not going SCROG, primarily because I don't know how to trim, and would rather be safe on my first grow where I'm in complete control. I'll probably have to put up stakes or netting eventually, but for now I'm keeping it simple.

Wish me luck guys. I can't wait to see what's in store at 10 AM!


Today is day 33, and the second full day of flowering. I'm happy to announce that out of 7 plants, 6 are female, and I'm 90% sure that the other plant is indeed a female. I'll never order from another seed bank, thanks Nirvana. These things arrived in 5 days, stealth as could, popped after 3 in the soil and now they're beautiful, luscious, large plants. I love it.

I've made a couple of changes and additions, but I'll start with the good shit first.

My plants are loving the 12/12 and the Co2. I'm so happy with the results from the first dispensers, so I added a third.


As you can see, these things have really taken off in the past week. The change from the 12/12 is evident. The only problem I foresee is overgrowth, but that is "one of those good problems" to quote Marlo Stanfield, from The Wire.

There have been a few more minor changes.

Odor Control.

I've ordered a Timemist Plus dispenser, and a case of the Fresh and Clean Odor Neutralizer for it.

Also, as I mentioned in an earlier thread:


After having some trouble keeping up with the frequency of feeding and watering, I decided to pick up a white board, marked Monday-Sunday. I'm pretty organized, but I suggest it to anyone. There is more than enough room for notes, and it can help to schedule feedings and watering too.


For the final piece of business, I've decided to do away with a portion of my rigged duct work. Now I have exhaust/intake piece on my window, so when I don't need the AC unit, I can still bring in fresh, filtered air from the outside. I also put a 90' piece of aluminum ducting, so I can take the intake duct on and off the AC unit, and the intake flange. In the pic below, you can barely see the detachable intake piece, because of the flash, but it's simple.


Take care and thanks for stopping by. I'd appreciate any comments or advice.


Active Member
Dub! + Rep for watching the Wire! So how is that odor control product working for you? notice anything? And what is the Timemist Plus dispenser for?


"Come at the King, best not miss"

Puff, as for the Odor Killer, I like it. However, the only downside is that I'll have to replace it within the next 2-3 weeks. I think it is similar to Ona Gel, which I've seen you mention on your thread. But, to answer your question, it works. I noticed the difference almost immediately after placing it in the ox. Next time, I'm going with two. The Timemist dispenser is one of those things you'd see in a taco bell bathroom, above the mirror. You program the time, and at that time each hour, it sprays some shit in the air. Most places use a scented spray, some of the choices are dutch apple pie, or cinnamon or some shit, but I'm going with the Clean and Fresh Odor Neutralizer. It has no scent, so it doesn't mask the odor, but it neutralizes the odor, removing the shit from the air. I'm hoping the carbon filter, Timemist, Odor Killer, and fans with Downy sheets on the back can help keep the odor inside my bedroom.


Brickedup, thanks a lot. Puff, you're absolutely right. They sell two types, a micro, and a full size. I got the full size for $42 off Amazon, after shipping. They cost $75 after taxes at my local hydro/grow store. The micro are even cheaper and may be more suitable for your need, but hey, if it were me, in spite of a small grow, I 'd go big. A case of refills goes for $50 on Amazon, I think a can can last anywhere from 4-8 weeks, depending on frequency of usage.

So, some official business. I want to talk about my nute regiment, which will be used during flowering .


-Fox Farm Happy Frog

I'll only use this three times while flowering. I pour a tablespoon on top, water as usual as all kinds of good fungi, bacteria and nutes find a home in the soil. This shit is full of it all, it is 5-8-4, has baccilus sibilus and myco fungi, along with Calcium and Magnesium.

-Age Old Organics Bloom

This will be my lean-to nute while these pretty ladies flower. At 5-10-5 it packs the phosphorus punch they're looking for. Also, this stuff, which I'll use once a week, when I'm not using the Happy Frog, has boron, manganese, copper, zinc and iron. I love it, all organic, and packed with primary and micro-nutrients.

-General Organics Cal Mag

This won't be getting used too often. As I mentioned, it is supplemented in the Happy Frog, but I will still use it during the 1-2 weeks of flowering and 4-6 weeks. I've read that the plants crave Cal Mag at these two stages. If anyone wants the article, let me know I'll dig it up.

There is one problem, which I'm not sure how to solve. I believe a sulfur deficiency is starting on multiple plants. Does anyone have a remedy, preferably organic to solve this potential crisis? I've heard Epsom Salt does the trick, but I've also heard mixed reviews of that method. Thanks for coming by!


Active Member
Ah, I'm glad you're going to use nutes, if those work out for you I might have to copy you and get that Age Old and Happy Frog. Are they both for flowering only? I plan on using autoflowers for the next year so I won't need any veg nutes. I'm not sure about the sulfur def, man. I'd have to reread a looot of shit, the chemistry part of growing isn't my strongest suit.


good grow. considering you have 8 feet of hight to work with i would have let them veg longer, but they will still be huge by the end!