A Book Review ...


New Member
"The thing that people don't realize is with the death of about a thousand individuals, the top elites, we could take control of the government. It is easy to kill them one at a time. You just have to locate them and walk right up and zero them out."

Yeppers, right out of the Lenin, Mao and Marx handbook. Hey Med ... do you still wave The Little Red Book?

Nope, I also don't wave the flag or the bible either, but I'll surely wave goodby to Bush and his cronies and all his supporters on this site when they are smart enough to find out they've been duped and are too embarassed to show their faces. Maybe like you VI.


New Member
Just so I can be sure of what you're talking about, please define "plutocratic fascism." Thanks ...

I guess the plainest way to explain it is; The current government! One run by corporations for corporations (Elites) that try and remove any and all priveledges enjoyed by the proletariat. Please don't ask me to explain proletariat, use Websters if you are that ignorant.


New Member
OK Med, thanks for the definition. Now, please list the "privileges" that have been "removed" from the "common man." Thanks ...



New Member
OK Med, thanks for the definition. Now, please list the "privileges" that have been "removed" from the "common man." Thanks ...

You and your fucking lists. It's common sense if you pay attention.
1.end of Habeas-Corpus
2.Laws to be locked up without counsel and held indefently in an undisclosed location.
3 waterboarding is not torture.
4. The roll back of many personal freedom laws, IE the ability to form unions requires a 51% majority, but to disband one only requires 31%.
5. The total regulation of industry is being done by industry insiders. Do you think they are looking out for our interests? IE labor and pollution regulations are going in favor of the corps.
6. I'm tired of doing lists for your satisfaction. If you can't see the downfall of democracy then you are right, you are going blind. there are so many little chips in the structure that one has to remain vigil or our democracy will be a dictatorship quite soon. Being in the elite class, it probably benefits you as in if no-one can afford gas, then for you, that means less traffic. This is why I hate elites, they can only see what benefits them, even if it fucks over millions.


New Member
Ahh ... well, thanks for the explanation. Very well done, I must say.

Now then, how in your opinion, have the "elites" been able to get their agendas through? I mean, we have a constitution that chains the federal government, right? I mean, the Left hasn't had a hand in eroding the Constitution for THEIR purposes has it? I'm not denying that the Right isn't at fault as well, of course. What I AM saying is that you are being misdirected, to say the least. The fault lies at the feet of ALL who are looking for special privileges from the federal government. That includes those who want to use the power of the federal government to redistribute wealth, build bridges to nowhere, subsidize the advertising budgets of American corporations in foreign countries, limit the cost of gasoline, pay millionaire (or any) farmers tribute from the treasury, provide "free" medical care, enforce minimum wage laws ... and on, and on, and on, and on ...

The problem is STATISM, Med ... not George Bush or Teddy Kennedy. Its all about the mindset of the American people. We were once a fiercely independent people who built a great country. Now, we are dependent children sucking off the teat of the Nanny State. We think we have a "right" to the wealth of others without thinking for one second that that right actually violates the rights of the other person. As I've said many times here in the forum ... we are on the road to serfdom and its our fault.



New Member
Ahh ... well, thanks for the explanation. Very well done, I must say.

Now then, how in your opinion, have the "elites" been able to get their agendas through? I mean, we have a constitution that chains the federal government, right? I mean, the Left hasn't had a hand in eroding the Constitution for THEIR purposes has it? I'm not denying that the Right isn't at fault as well, of course. What I AM saying is that you are being misdirected, to say the least. The fault lies at the feet of ALL who are looking for special privileges from the federal government. That includes those who want to use the power of the federal government to redistribute wealth, build bridges to nowhere, subsidize the advertising budgets of American corporations in foreign countries, limit the cost of gasoline, pay millionaire (or any) farmers tribute from the treasury, provide "free" medical care, enforce minimum wage laws ... and on, and on, and on, and on ...

The problem is STATISM, Med ... not George Bush or Teddy Kennedy. Its all about the mindset of the American people. We were once a fiercely independent people who built a great country. Now, we are dependent children sucking off the teat of the Nanny State. We think we have a "right" to the wealth of others without thinking for one second that that right actually violates the rights of the other person. As I've said many times here in the forum ... we are on the road to serfdom and its our fault.

That is your opinion and you are entitled to it. It doesn't automatically make it right. It may seem right to you and wrong to me. I may think that Bush is responsible for a great dismanteling of the constitution and of handing corporations unlimited powers. I may think universal health care is ambrosia from the Gods. Do I not realize that taxes will have to be raised to pay for it, well yes I do. I also realize that there will no longer be ins. premiums and copays which will offset the taxes and let everyone be covered for "free", IE no expense when being treated, no bankruptcy from medical bills, etc. Your "Nany state" is to me a compassionate government, one that cares for it's citizens. one that would listen to what the citizenry had to say about their welfare, instead of let them eat shit. With priveledge comes responsibility and the priveleged of today see no need for social responsibility, they are way too selfish. From your postings on this site, I would have to include you in this category


Well-Known Member
My 2 cents.. What ever happened to everyone taking responsibility for their own futures? Why should I or anyone work hard to achieve just to see it go to those folks who don't want to work hard? Where would we be if that was the vastly prevalent attitude? If the barter system were the only system why would anyone want to put themselves through any schooling for the medical professions, or any truly skilled endeavor? Simply for the love of the occupation? To better the condition of his fellow human? I think not. By the way, I love the barter system where applicable.. I'd be in deep kimchee without it, I use it both ways, but not for everything.
That being said i do believe that there are needed programs in the social areas that are good, however, for the most part they should be temporary only. The trouble begins when it's not. Welfare is one of my pet peeves..yes needed at times, but why not a group of welfare recipients pool their resources and those that can work..work..and pay those less skilled to care for the children...Good idea right? But NO!!! Noone can be FORCED to work!!! since it's the care of the children that is important well there's always boys and girls town.
Now I'll wait for the avalanche...or silence.:eyesmoke:


New Member
Geeze, oldpfart, it took you a year to get to reply to this thread? BTW, I also believe in personal responsibility, But I believe in curtailing excesses when there is so much need.


Well-Known Member
Just to keep the record straight, I joined in August I believe and hadn't been here since,then took a day to find.Who is going to be in charge of curtailing the excess? You? Isn't that more big brotherism? Where do you draw the line? For how much is the individual responsible ? How much Big Brother? There used to be time when Americans valued Liberty more than security. Sadly for most those days have past. They're much happier sitting on their keesters than than doing anything..as are most of the kids.


New Member
^^^^ Just so you know ... talking about individual responsibility and economic liberty in this forum will get you branded as a right wing zealot. :lol:



Well-Known Member
Vi - Speaking of Liberal Canards................

Someone needs to compare Nixon vs. LBJ...

All Nixon ever did was cover-up Watergate, he wasn't involved in the spying. Once he found out about it, he tried to cover-up what happened.....

LBJ, on the other hand, orchestrated the Gulf of Tonkin lie, which pale in comparison to what Bush did, or for that matter Nixon.

Nixon sucked as a president because sacrificed his principles for being liked. Just ask Milton Friedman, were he still alive....

Its so fucked up - the democratic party essentially fractured because of LBJ, but you never see anything like the kind of revisionist history Nixon gets........

Nixon, as much as the left wants us to believe, wasn't the root of all evil. He just wanted to be liked. In fact, Richard Nixon, above anyone else, deserves the credit for bringing China into the 20th century. Because of him, millions of Chinese are living a better life than they ever dreamed.

The Chinese should tear down all the Mao statues and replace them with Nixon statues.


New Member
Revisionist history ... Ronald Reagan, one of our best presidents ever, gets a paragraph in our high school history books. Ceasar Chavez, the union thug gets pages. Go figure!



New Member
Vi - Speaking of Liberal Canards................

Someone needs to compare Nixon vs. LBJ...

All Nixon ever did was cover-up Watergate, he wasn't involved in the spying. Once he found out about it, he tried to cover-up what happened.....

LBJ, on the other hand, orchestrated the Gulf of Tonkin lie, which pale in comparison to what Bush did, or for that matter Nixon.

Nixon sucked as a president because sacrificed his principles for being liked. Just ask Milton Friedman, were he still alive....

Its so fucked up - the democratic party essentially fractured because of LBJ, but you never see anything like the kind of revisionist history Nixon gets........

Nixon, as much as the left wants us to believe, wasn't the root of all evil. He just wanted to be liked. In fact, Richard Nixon, above anyone else, deserves the credit for bringing China into the 20th century. Because of him, millions of Chinese are living a better life than they ever dreamed.

The Chinese should tear down all the Mao statues and replace them with Nixon statues.
And look what he (Nixon) has wrought. The Chinese are soon to be the new world leaders in capital and manufacturing, Good move. Let's hear it for good old Richard, the capitalists dream God.


Well-Known Member
Bite me you arrogant communist asshole!! I don't have a college degree you son of a bitch. I suppose YOU think that a frigging ditch digger should get paid the same as a doctor. Just where the fuck do you get off calling ME an elitist? I worked for everything I own! I don't have my hand out for gimmes as you seem to believe every one is entitled to. Don't sit there preaching that over and above what we Need is Greed . Why then do you have a computer? Do you NEED it, or do you WANT it? Do you NEED all that you have, or is there a whole bunch of want.
In one of your earlier posts you quoted I believe that people should only have what they need. Therefore a ditch digger with 2 kids should get more than a Doctor who's single..Of course that totally disregards all the work, time, effort, and stress the doctor went through to BE a doctor. when the ditch digger did jack shit to better there life.