A Brave Woman Speaks on Bohemian Grove


Well-Known Member
I don't give a rat's ass that this should maybe go in Poly - this is something that Everyone needs to watch! What courage this woman has as I sit here not all that far away hiding in my room. I only hope if I am ever privy to such knowledge that I too will have the strength to tell it all in front of the local pigs and the World.



Well-Known Member


Because of the secretive nature surrounding the annual July encampment at
Bohemian Grove, many rumors have grown over the years regarding what
actually goes on there. And because of the very visually bizarre CREMATION
of CARE ceremony given on the first Saturday of the two week gathering these
rumors have taken on a life of their own. Just a photo of several red hooded
clad men burning an effigy of “Dull Care” at the bottom of a 40 ft. stone
owl is enough to make a sane person wonder what is going on so the rumors
and speculation continue and grow.

It is important to keep in mind that the actual truth about this annual
ritual is serious enough and doesn’t need embellishment and sensationalism
to alarm the public. It is scary enough to learn about the very real
connections between the corporate, financial, government and military elites
that run this country and are successfully making progress toward running
the planet. Please understand the following:

*The Cremation of Care is not a “Satanic Cult” as many have concluded. For
almost 140 years this opening ceremony (which is actually pretty silly) has
been used as a sendoff to begin two weeks of entertainment and recreation.
The claim of the membership is that “they are the men who carry around the
cares of the world on their shoulders” and they need this ritual in order to
cast off “Dull Care”. Of course those who actually do care about the
suffering of real people would argue with the assumption that these men care
in the first place. That is why those of us who have protested at their
gates for 32 years have always “resurrected Care” as we challenge this
ritual. The end goal for these men is making profits at the expense of the
rest of us while polluting our planet.

*They do not “burn babies” during the Cremation of Care ceremony. This is an
outright lie perpetuated over the past ten years by a right wing “Shock
Jock” who managed to infiltrate the grounds in 2001and has been behind many
of the more bizarre rumors. It is an effigy of rags that is set afire during
this ritual. This kind of sensationalism detracts and undermines our more
serious charges of ruling class bonding and how those relationships affect
the rest of us.

*There are no “underground tunnels” (leading to Odiyan Temple or anywhere
else) in the Grove as confirmed by the many sympathetic workers who have
helped us over the years by getting literature and schedules out to us so we
can do real research on these men. It is yet another groundless rumor.

*There are no sex slaves kept in these “underground tunnels” however there
is an active well known “hooker scene” prominent during the two week
gathering. In fact it is a well known fact on the “working women” circuits
that it exists and is profitable for them. Over the years we have done much
research on this subject which is available to the public. No women (except
employees) are allowed on the grounds during the encampment so they take up
outside residence around the area and the men go out to them. And even the
issue of women as employees is fairly new as we challenged this
discrimination back in the ’80s and it was several years before we won
before the California Supreme Court, the right of women to work there.

*Another misunderstanding is that the aim of our protest has always been to
shut the Grove down. Our goal has always been to EXPOSE these men and how
these power dynamics affect the rest of us. We wish to challenge the myth
that all decision making in the USA takes place in Congress. We use the
dynamics of power demonstrated at the Bohemian Grove to make our point that
private power places like this are the ultimate “back room wheeling and
dealing” If we ran them off they would just go elsewhere and it would not
change the political dynamics of capitalism gone amuck.

Over the years as we’ve studied the power relationships at Bohemian Grove
we’ve “heard it all” which is why we’re posting these clarifications. It
undermines the credibility of any serious research we’ve done because some
people assume (especially with the internet culture) that we buy into these
rumors and that they are the reasons we’ve protested over the past three
decades. Bohemian Grove Action network continues to focus on the LAKESIDE
TALKS which are given daily during the two week encampment and feature ex
presidents as well as other well known corporate titans, heads of World Bank
and other financial power brokers, admirals and generals. Often their talks
are public policy talks given behind the redwood curtain with no public
scrutiny. These men are indeed the 1%.

For more information check out the “Highlights of the Lakeside Talks” which
is available on this website as well as www.sonomacountyfreepress.com


Active Member
No the protests were started by some dick that was told no you are not geting in to our gang so they started to protest.

As for the video what the fuk sake she is talking absolute shite giberish is she on acid?

And when she mensions hot boys why is the old pedo looking cunt geting hard watch his eyes when she says hot boys.

Could not get the point of the video as she jumps from one rambling to another?

Just another paraniod American.


Well-Known Member
No the protests were started by some dick that was told no you are not geting in to our gang so they started to protest.

As for the video what the fuk sake she is talking absolute shite giberish is she on acid?

And when she mensions hot boys why is the old pedo looking cunt geting hard watch his eyes when she says hot boys.

Could not get the point of the video as she jumps from one rambling to another?

Just another paraniod American.
The main reason for the protest is that elected officials are meeting at the Grove every year and discussing things that affect the country and making decisions behind closed doors. She mentioned she heard them in a meeting discussing the Sheep Cloning years before the rest of us Little People knew anything.

There is a lot of prostitution in there, especially with young boys aka hot boys

She verified a lot of rumors and right in front of the local pigs called them out for being corrupt, taking bribe money with the local government officials.


Well-Known Member
Read this for more:


*There are no sex slaves kept in these “underground tunnels” however there
is an active well known “hooker scene” prominent during the two week
gathering. In fact it is a well known fact on the “working women” circuits
that it exists and is profitable for them. Over the years we have done much
research on this subject which is available to the public. No women (except
employees) are allowed on the grounds during the encampment so they take up
outside residence around the area and the men go out to them. And even the
issue of women as employees is fairly new as we challenged this
discrimination back in the ’80s and it was several years before we won
before the California Supreme Court, the right of women to work there.

*Another misunderstanding is that the aim of our protest has always been to
shut the Grove down. Our goal has always been to EXPOSE these men and how
these power dynamics affect the rest of us. We wish to challenge the myth
that all decision making in the USA takes place in Congress. We use the
dynamics of power demonstrated at the Bohemian Grove to make our point that
private power places like this are the ultimate “back room wheeling and
dealing” If we ran them off they would just go elsewhere and it would not
change the political dynamics of capitalism gone amuck.

For more information check out the “Highlights of the Lakeside Talks” which
is available on this website as well as www.sonomacountyfreepress.com


Well-Known Member
Right after the woman in the video mentions she knew about cloning and sheep beforehand, she mentions she also knew about mosquitoes and H.I.V. beforehand.

That's all I needed to hear, even though I listened to the rest of her bullshit.

She is a Lyndon LaRouche plant. :-P

They are the only ones perpetuating the baseless connection between mosquitoes and H.I.V. anymore.

Actual legitimate scientists dismissed that claim years ago. Mosquitoes cannot transmit H.I.V.

A LaRouche plant has ZERO credibility.


As Carlin once said: "democracy is there to give you the illusion of choice", the wealthy business interests have always been running things.


Active Member
Well if she herd about cloning of sheep years before the little people how come it is only now she is sharing it.

If she heard then she must have proof?

As for corruped officials fuck tell us somthing we did not already know.

She is just speaking about shit that has already happend why is she not telling of things that have not happend yet or has she not read about them in the papers yet?

How the fuck would that fuckin cracker get near them to hear shit she would have had her as stuck in the clink quicker than you could say Dolly the sheep.


Well-Known Member
Right after the woman in the video mentions she knew about cloning and sheep beforehand, she mentions she also knew about mosquitoes and H.I.V. beforehand.

That's all I needed to hear, even though I listened to the rest of her bullshit.

She is a Lyndon LaRouche plant. :-P

They are the only ones perpetuating the baseless connection between mosquitoes and H.I.V. anymore.

Actual legitimate scientists dismissed that claim years ago. Mosquitoes cannot transmit H.I.V.

A LaRouche plant has ZERO credibility.
I have never heard of the mosquito/aids conspiracy but maybe she meant the mosquitoes they say are genetically engineered and the Aids conspiracy separately?


Well-Known Member
I have never heard of the mosquito/aids conspiracy but maybe she meant the mosquitoes they say are genetically engineered and the Aids conspiracy separately?
But she did not say that.

Her statement was quite clear, and she appeared coherent.

Furthermore, it's not a conspiracy.

Lyndon LaRouche is a false prophet spreading lies.

The woman with the bullhorn is a LaRouche plant is spewing LaRouche propaganda.

And you bought it. :dunce:


Active Member
Aids that was down to your the American goverment they started that shit to get rid of the Africans.

Shit never happend in the sixtys when free love started if it was fuck i think half the population would have it.

And what about swine/bird flu?


Well-Known Member
Lyrics to Bohemian Grove :
Aung San Suu Kyi on house arrest
Another Bhutto assassination
Could've stopped Sarajevo we must confess
But we were planning our next invasion

Where are the leaders of the atomic age?
Is it just another working day?
Said he was coming, he was on his way
But he fell down the hole in the ocean


The levies are full
But the river runs dry
And the desert grows into the grassland
And the space that separates us grows ever wide
As the profiteer stokes the division

Something's not right, something is wrong
With the news at eleven that no one has told them
If we don't come together it won't be long
These are the wars that face the generation


It's a peculiar situation
When the leaders of the wealthy nations
Don't know all the damage they done
It's so Bohemian
Mother Hubbard cover the investigation
But all they know is their retaliation
So they appeal to the dog's thirst
But he tips his hat and he says, no

I don't need your world control
And the opinion of the inner elite
Oh don't you know
That we are aching for a part in the chance worth taking
Who's to say
That we are destined just to fall at your feet
I'm here today
And so are we, the we the people of the earth rolling round

It's a peculiar situation
When the leaders of the wealthy nations
Don't know all the damage they done
It's so Bohemian
Mother Hubbard cover the investigation
But all they know is their retaliation
So they go again to the dogs thirst
But we will not work for your

World control
And the opinion of the inner elite
Oh don't you know
That we are aching for a part in the chance worth taking
Who's to say
That we are destined just to fall at your feet
It's World Control
So that it's rendered to we, the people of the earth rolling round

Versailles. Way down. How long. Outlaw

[ These are Bohemian Grove Lyrics on http://www.lyricsmania.com/ ]


Well-Known Member
Aids that was down to your the American goverment they started that shit to get rid of the Africans.

Shit never happend in the sixtys when free love started if it was fuck i think half the population would have it.

And what about swine/bird flu?
That is what I think she meant and the mosquito thing as another different plot.