A/C stinkage


Well-Known Member
can anyone offer me a simple (or not so simple) solution to getting rid of the smell that eminates from the back of my A/C unit? i know its noticeable and i really dont know why, i have my girls in a 4x8x7 tent with carbon filter and negative pressure, the bedroom the tent is in doesnt smell too much, just a bit i guess. for some reason however, if i go near my A/C unit outside, i smell dank. i also just read an article on a man who was raided by police because he had the smell coming from his A/C. im legal so im not that concerned but i dont want my neighbors to be bothered by the smell and/or nosey police who arent aware that im legal etc.... i have placed dryer sheets on the front of the machine but it didnt help at all. i also spray cologne on it daily but it just mixes with the smell of ganja and the two together although they make a great aroma, its still noticable.
I have this problem and have tried to read up on it in several books but it is not relly addressed, so I to would be interested in the solution.
I'm concerned with the same thing. I'm growing in a closet with a carbon filter and Ona in the closet. No smell outside the closet, but after I water the plants and take some pics the room is dank and it all gets sucked out by the air conditioner. I just Googled 'grow room ventilation setup'.

Check out the Odour control section near the BOP: http://www.gthydro.com/growroomtipsandsafety.html


Well-Known Member
I'm not 100% on this but I don't think all window units are true recirculating units. Some inside air is always exchanged with outside air, and if it's an optional recirculating a/c you may still have some escapage through the louvers. You might take it apart and see if you seal off any leaks, like in the seams of the sheet metal, rivets, etc. Or adding a carbon sheet to the intake may help as well.


Well-Known Member
I'm not 100% on this but I don't think all window units are true recirculating units. Some inside air is always exchanged with outside air, and if it's an optional recirculating a/c you may still have some escapage through the louvers. You might take it apart and see if you seal off any leaks, like in the seams of the sheet metal, rivets, etc. Or adding a carbon sheet to the intake may help as well.
the smell is coming right from that grill. hott stinky air comes right thru....i will try the carbon filter sheet inside the unit.


Well-Known Member
So i'm guessing that this is a window unit? Sorry if that was already established.... i have a portable ac that I just recently moved out of my grow tent because I realized that if it stayed in there, all the air it was going to exhaust was going to stink, i didn't feel like buying another carbon filter for the ac so I just moved it outside the tent and then vented the air back into the tent. It's taking up a little space and it isn't quite as effective outside the tent, but with a little more work I can direct the ventilation to make it stronger (cooler) in the tent and I've free'd up a considerable amount of floor space by moving the unit outside.
Is it possible to move your unit out of the grow area and then vent the cool are back into it? That way the air being drawn isn't stinky to begin with...


Well-Known Member
yea thats EXACTLY what i do now. thats why its so strange cuz the bedroom doesnt smell at all. not to me anyhow ....one of my patients stepped in once and said it smells a bit. its like the a/c will find that LITTLE BIT of smell and times in by ten on the way out ...


Well-Known Member
they have a/c units that can exuast back into the same room have you considered one of those? they are kinda dicey but worth it if your puttin your bizzness out in the air. just a thought I know that alot of people have this same problem. maybe just a carbon sheet on the exuast?


Well-Known Member
They are called Recirculating Units.

Kind of what I was meaning a minute ago. The only windows units that ARE recirculators will be advertised as so - I think. By design in most window units it relies on backpressure to keep inside air on the inside. For the most part this works but fan turbulence creates random reverse currents.


Well-Known Member
has any body used ona gel. I heard it helps not elimates. You could use a industrial chiller http://www.customaquatic.com/estore/control/product/~product=CH-TWIL-75-S radiator setup
I have a 3 X 4 X 7 Grow Box which has a carbon filter (24 hours a day) which works real well.

Then I use the ONA. ONA also works great but differently and it has a slight odor. I sit ONA around in likely places, garage , front door or any other place that I think might smell (even though I can't smell it).

The best use so far..... Is in my drying box. I have input and output fans moving air. On the Exhaust Baffle I have a small dish which I put ONA in, as needed.

Gee I can't smell it :leaf:

So to answer your question, it works real well :joint::peace:


Well-Known Member
try cleaning the filter and coils at the air intake, make sure your unit is draining the condensation and a scented pre fliter always help.


Well-Known Member
Ona blocks work well I think... i've used them before but stopped because my wife didn't like the way the one I picked out smelled... now i'm growing away from where she has to smell it as much so I bought a Ona gel tub, fresh linen is the smell, and it does well, ask me again in two months when I have two Thai Super Sunks and a Skunk #1 in full bloom and we'll see just how well it really does... :)
Skunky in my shit, it will be.


They are called Recirculating Units.

Kind of what I was meaning a minute ago. The only windows units that ARE recirculators will be advertised as so - I think. By design in most window units it relies on backpressure to keep inside air on the inside. For the most part this works but fan turbulence creates random reverse currents.[/QUOTE

No they are called chillers. These are way more efficient then a window unit. Its air to water look into it