A Call For Unity


Active Member
As RIU's member base approaches 50,000(with almost 1,000,000 posts) , I have to ask myself: what are we doing together at RIU to gain our freedom back?

There are individuals who believe that "overgrowing the gov't" will get the job done.

Some believe that working through the law is the way. Many groups (NORML,etc) have fought tirelessly for decades for this reason.

Many forums work (Thank you RIU)to spread knowledge.

I, for one, try to discuss statistics, court cases, the history of MJ, overspending in our gov't and such to my friends and family. This is because the more we know as a nation, the higher our chances are of getting our freedoms back- to the way they were intended to be. This is the way I do MY part.

All of these methods are having an impact. But, I believe that in order to make a bigger impact, we must ALL(forums, advocacy groups, lobbyist, Medical associations, 420 day) gather together to really show our number. The true support for marijuana whether recreational or medicinal has not correctly been portrayed by the media. To really prove that the American people don't want this prohibition.



i agree that with this many members, something could be started to help do our part to end prohibition; but the question is what and how. it would take money, manpower, and organization to get anything started. i dont know if Rollitup himself would want to do it actually through the forum, but im sure if you got it going, he would more than support you. shoot him a pm with your ideas, or scroll down all the way on the main page and look for the support/requests section and post something in there.


Well-Known Member
Well, haven't you ever signed an online petition for something? I know I've done it for a few things...I mean, it requires you give your info so they know it's a different person and all, but that's the kinda thing where we would actually be good. Because our numbers are our power, right?

I mean, it's kinda not possible for us to do anything all together in real life, because we're all spread out EVERYWHERE. I mean, so we're united here on this site, but we're all on our own out there...in the real world *looks around fearfully*