Thanks bro, that means a lot

I'm so glad I joined in on your thread, you guys are all going through your own shit but still have time to give support and really helpful advice, thank you!!
Mate, getting back into tae kwon do has been awesome, I'm only a green belt so far but am really enjoying the discipline, the full body workout is so good. I hope to one day get my black belt and move up to an instructor

my daughter has been doing it for 2 years now and is one step ahead of me, she is only 7 and holy shit, she is going to be a lethal weapon ha ha. That makes me so proud and helps a lot with my anxiety, I worry about my wife and girls so much in this world. I hit a pretty low point about 6 mths ago and nearly killed myself, my wife and I are slowly getting back to normal. Depression and anxiety is such an internal demon, I'm so lucky to have my family who care so much and want me around!
Shit, sorry bro, enough of my complaining! On to bigger and better how fucking awesome your Spog91 is/sounds! That shit sounds amazing

That blue hash does sound good actually, will have to get some. Also looking at some 88 G13 hashplant strains from bodhi too

If you do ever pop thise strains again, I hope you find that winner pheno again!!