So we got some killer news today, we went and got a new lender for a house and the lender got us exactly the amount we wanted for the house we've wanted forever, with even a better interest rate! So we're going to put in an offer in a couple of days, I hope it's accepted.. Only issue is was the sellers agent said someone is coming Friday for a cash offer.. I'm hoping its just bs and they are just saying that so we put in a higher offer.. It's been on the market a while, like 250 days.. So I feel they are bluffing, but we'll see.. I don't want to offer thier asking price but we are only 10k shy of the asking price so give us some good vibes!! Could possibly be moving to our dream home soon if it works out!! If not there is one other place we'll be making an offer on but I don't like it as much, though it is newly build with 2x the land, and a bit bigger, I'm not into the new kind of look. It sucks the market is really slow right now, but prices are going to go insane in the next year, Mark my words, so we have to be quick. End of rant