A Cannabinerd's Journey


Well-Known Member
Any updates on the house?
Man, the updates are all over the place at the moment lol. The sellers STILL haven't given us the disclosures for our first inspection.. Haven't heard a word since our offer was accepted and we're in escrow.. So we put another offer on a house thats only a few miles from where I live now.. Not much land there, only an acre, but the house is new and perfect, lots and lots of space and has a basement that's almost finished which would add a 1000 extra sqf. So we're kind of going in on two houses now thinking we will back out of the other house if the sellers don't start communicating with us.. Our agent said they are the hardest people to get ahold of and he has no idea what's going on, while the other house (it's 30k cheaper woot!) are easy to get ahold of, and the house is being sold through their agency. We put an offer in higher than their asking because it's such an incredible house and brand new built in 2006, new septic, dual zone hvac, just so many nice things to not worry about. There are a couple neighbors but it's worth the trade off of having more land imo. @Aeroknow kind of put reality into my head about me doing outdoor anyway, I'm not in the same condition I used to be, doing outdoor might just be a fantasy for me :( thats pretty much all the info we have, the new offer we put in was on Saturday, so with the holiday we should hear something tomorrow, I hope! The sellers are very nice for that house


Well-Known Member
I got 1 of the 2 double ended hps lights mounted today, realized after that the plug needs a 240v receptacle so i think aero is gonna get that hooked up in a day or two

The mendo / animal cookies is at 8 full weeks here
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And the mixed lot at 4 full weeks, the Bubba kush is super frosty!
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Well-Known Member
Here's the veg room, it's kinda over grown, figuring it out still, the far right tray will be flowered in a couple days though, hopefully I can tame the others til i move. I'm working on mamas and veg plants for the next pad, IF I move and things go well. Duds are gone. All the bs is gone, so I haven't been stressing at all, believe it or not, my res water on the far right tray is brown af lol, smells fine tho. Havent changed it at all. Super wierd lol, but don't change it if itz not broke. The big plants are almost 3 feet tall, I'm using 200w t5, 2x4 tray and theres 18 plants. Makes me laugh a bit lol, 200w that could fill almost 5 double ended 1200w lights for flower, but people use 1000w mh for 1/4 of the plants I have vegging. Save your electric folks!
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Well-Known Member
This is how things were SUPPOSED to go with my regimens I've explained in my journal. Super easy, unless you get a virus or plant disease or something else lol. But if you don't have anything like that, things go so smooth, and hydro is easy peasy. I still don't know wtf I had this past year, but since I got new genetics, I haven't changed anything at all, same water schedule, same nutes, same everything, only difference is I switched to bennies instead of sterile res, but the plants are the same. I wish I knew what it was.. Could had been aphids, I don't know, I don't know anything about bugs.. Except thrips and mites. Whatever it was it's gone though. If you followed this thread, you'd know I talked about small leaves, woody purple stems, bad roots.. All gone now. AND I'M STOKED! So from now on, I'm not taking in any new clones or anything, just keeping what I have for a while and I'll be seed popping for new gear instead. No new clones.

So here's pet cemetery, animal pie and gluebert babies. I am stoked af to be popping seeds now :D


So that's it for the grow update for a bit. Oh, I also have some soil plants that I'm not sure what to do with.. But I have a few for outdoor if it happens
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Well-Known Member

How much spacing do you do with the ebb and gro system for the pots? 1 1/2" thick Styrofoam right?

Also, what flood times do you run with it?
Spacing depends on plant size, but I equally space them for every grow depending on how many buckets I'm doing, 4x4 grid per 1000w, if I'm doing 9 they are about 10-12" apart I think, I kind of just set up the buckets to look at them and move them around to the best spacing I can get, I don't really measure though. I think the foam board is 3/4" or maybe 1", I'll have to measure again, I've tried a few sizes and the one I'm using now works the best, I'll get the measurement for ya later today


Well-Known Member
Man you are killing it. I wish I could use 1000's but due to my power limit I just run 4-600's. Is your animal cookies by in house genetics?
Thanks bro, I love 600s too!! I was thinking about double ended 750s but just figured I could turn the new nanolux de down if needed for heat/height issues. I just got 2 double ended 1200w fixtures up today and will either be running those big veg plants under them or possibly I have a tray of animal cookies that are smaller so I wouldn't run into height issues. I harvested the animal cookies today and am blown away by it! I'm not sure if its in house, I got it as a clone only a few months back but my animal pie seedling is from in house genetics, can't wait to get her big enough to flower :)

Here's the animal cookies and mendo from the sea of green I chopped today

Animal cookies
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Mendo topped and untopped
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Well-Known Member
Here's the new lights, so stoked, only will be able to get a run in with them but it'll be worth it, these things can get 3-4lb per light potential, wtf! They are so tiny too, I don't get how they work, but they are 2x brighter than a regular hps, nuts!

So here's what I'm debating to flower

These big ass plants, they might be too big for my 8 foot ceilings but I don't want to waste them. They are mendo Breath from mnf and black lime reserve (best smelling /tasting plant I've had in years :(
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Well-Known Member
Those both look like some diggity dank!
Thanks bro! I can't wait to smoke them! The animal cookies doesn't have much smell, kinds kushy, it's a fire og cross and not sure what that smells like, but the mendo smells so killer! Way better than the mnf cut, it's like berry diesel :l