Well-Known Member
Me and AP have been talking allot about the bigger bud thing lately.Im probably going to stay with my single ended dinosaurs. My uncle just bought the same lamps you have. I showed him a few of your pics. I think it was your glue pics. He had a really good harvest. Ill get maybe 4-6 more DE down the line i think. There awesome shit!!!! Don't want to start anything but from what I've seen with me over here is that the buds on the single ended are way bigger. More yield on the DE because of the foot print and one can spread out and barley prune or one can cram in a bigger area with more plants. Maybe i just need to play with the DE lamp more, this was just my observation on the one DE run. But who knows i may swap out my 12 SE lamps for lets say 9 DE's. I love life!!!!! Fucking blessed is what we all are!!!!!!!!!
I sware bro, if the DE's get too close it equals smaller buds