Agreed man, our brains are such complex organs hey, one chemical out by a bit and everything gets out of whack!
Dude, that petiole is freakin massive! No way I have anything even close to that!
For sure bro, I even tried some ssri meds and those even made it worse!! Ugh, the only thing that helps is some strains of weed and Xanax, and I don't take Xanax anymore because its super addicting so stopped taking it years ago ugh. Someday the docs will find a cure. And dude, that petiole blows my mind lmao, I've never seen anything like it I'm going to put it in a frame
I know this feeling! I'm a former athlete and I work out everyday. Then I injured both shoulders in early 2015 and then found out my hips were in really bad shape around memorial day. Had first hip surgery October and it was much worse than they thought. Had other hip done in February and is still giving me problems. Just had the first shoulder done end of June and that was 10x worse than they thought too. Just got out of sling last week and I already want the other one done too. Plus my wrists are messed up from being on crutches for so long and might have to go back on if they need to redo the hip but not soon because the shoulder needs to heal. And im turning 29 at the end of the month....
Damn brother that's rough

I'm 31 but been dealing with spine issues for some years now, you sound even more beat up than me damn

hope those surgeries help you man!!
Week 1 flower my leaves are super droopy. Over water? I'm doing 3x lights on
So they only droop during lights off? If they perk up after the light turns on, then they are just hardcore sleeping from growing so much. Mine droop exactly like that lights off, then perk up. Around week 3 they will stop drooping at lights off. If it's happening 24/7 I'd reckon underwater, you'll never have an over watering problem with that system I don't think, I even water 6+ times a day mid flower.