Well-Known Member
It smells so good too! Man, you wouldn't even believe this, I went out to tinker in the flower room. And guess what? After 15 minutes of one of the lights turning on, it went off. So I unplugged it, let it sit, turned it back on. Same thing! It's a sign, that's for sure. It was the best of the old bulbs I had too, I have a ton of back bulbs luckily, but man I'm glad I ordered some. Last night I went through 5 bulbs and picked the best 2 to use over the gg4, go figure! I bet the right side of the glue had no light at all last nightNice bro, that gdp does look mighty fine
Good idea with the bulbs too, I usually swap mine out every 6-12 mths depending on how often I run them. Damn expensive though hey!

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