A Chemical Love Story Excerpt- ECSTASY


Well-Known Member
I feel like a RIU virgin on this thread, LOL.

I never did ectasy.....don't get me wrong. I had my chances. The first time I was a cocktail waitress and I had two fellow lesbian waitresses ask me if I wanted some (as they touched my shoulder and told me how sexy it was....eek) Sorry, I don't do women.

I asked others how it made you feel. They told me it makes you "just love everyone." Others told me it made you horny. My only thought was, I loved these two chicks to death, but I wasn't going to get in an atmosphere where I loved them that much.:lol:

I've never been one to like drugs that put you on a level where you are in any way, form or manner "out of control."


Active Member
I feel like a RIU virgin on this thread, LOL.

I never did ectasy.....don't get me wrong. I had my chances. The first time I was a cocktail waitress and I had two fellow lesbian waitresses ask me if I wanted some (as they touched my shoulder and told me how sexy it was....eek) Sorry, I don't do women.

I asked others how it made you feel. They told me it makes you "just love everyone." Others told me it made you horny. My only thought was, I loved these two chicks to death, but I wasn't going to get in an atmosphere where I loved them that much.:lol:

I've never been one to like drugs that put you on a level where you are in any way, form or manner "out of control."

i totally understand your hesitation to do a drug like this. (in no way am i pressuring you whatsoever, before i go on any further) . I used to be the same way, i like being in control because when it comes down to it, it plain scary. The key thing with experimenting with such things as mdma (ecstasy), especially if it is your first time is to be in a "safe" environment with people that you trust and will look out for your well being, and probably the best of all, have experience with this drug.

i can tell you right now. i kinda pushed a friend to try E, you can call it peer pressure and how wrong it was of me to do so, but i wanted him to experience such a different perception of life, and how many things we overlook in our lives that we should be so happy for. i could of write novels about my first experience on E and how it was like someone taking the veil from off my eyes, being able to see all the things i took for granted, wasnt caught up on materialistic or superficial desires. but just wanted to enjoy every breath of air that entered my lungs(literally... deep breaths feel orgasmic). you want to express the love you have for your friends that you yourself overlook. you can even analyze yourself and come to terms with things you've held off for whatever reason. ...

i think you need to look this up. Erowid.com will be your best friend, next to pillreports.com . they gave me the piece of mind to try such things and i am sooo glad that i did.
It may be cliche/weird/however you wanna take it, but most "ravers" (horrible connotation because of the dumb fuck kids who totally misuse and bring bad publicity to a great group of people) or people who roll often have a motto if you will; PLUR, peace love unity respect. even though its corny...
it really is a beautiful thing.

Moderation! is key.
know you limits.
start small.

it will change your life.

sorry for the rant.
im sorta passionate about how amazing an experience you can have with this.

btw: I have NEVER felt "out of control" with mdma. the only way you can feel like that is if you go beyond your limits or dont know what ur taking. Do some research, practice moderation, and know your limits.


Well-Known Member
I feel like a RIU virgin on this thread, LOL.

I never did ectasy.....don't get me wrong. I had my chances. The first time I was a cocktail waitress and I had two fellow lesbian waitresses ask me if I wanted some (as they touched my shoulder and told me how sexy it was....eek) Sorry, I don't do women.

I asked others how it made you feel. They told me it makes you "just love everyone." Others told me it made you horny. My only thought was, I loved these two chicks to death, but I wasn't going to get in an atmosphere where I loved them that much.:lol:

I've never been one to like drugs that put you on a level where you are in any way, form or manner "out of control."
TO put IT frankly,

it no shape, fashion, or form will you ever get out of control on ecstasy... its more like it sets the perfect tone for a good night out! IT liberates you, makes you feel like a kid again... like adam and eve seeing the earth for the very first time kind of feel!

alcohol or too many cocktails can simply spin any one out of control! But ecstasy is much different than that... its not something that makes you horny... thats a complete and utter ridiculous myth... lets just say it better connects you to your emotions that you deny through your conscious... hit that right button in your head... and wham you have open up what seems like an eternity of unknown emotion!


Well-Known Member
I agree with 101. E is not gunna make you go outa controll in some lesbian sex freekout. And ya its a huge myth it makes you horny. It mainly makes you relate to other people on an emotional level.


Active Member
TO put IT frankly,

it no shape, fashion, or form will you ever get out of control on ecstasy... its more like it sets the perfect tone for a good night out! IT liberates you, makes you feel like a kid again... like adam and eve seeing the earth for the very first time kind of feel!

alcohol or too many cocktails can simply spin any one out of control! But ecstasy is much different than that... its not something that makes you horny... thats a complete and utter ridiculous myth... lets just say it better connects you to your emotions that you deny through your conscious... hit that right button in your head... and wham you have open up what seems like an eternity of unknown emotion!
nicely put! it definitely is a completely different level of consciousness. and id say NO it does not make you horny, and from a guys perpective, it doesnt really allow you to perform if you catch me drift, HOWEVER there is this desire to connect with other people. a favorite of mine is receiving or giving massages... makes your eyes roll back to the back of your head sooooo fast! haha

and your in control the entire time!


Well-Known Member
nicely put! it definitely is a completely different level of consciousness. and id say NO it does not make you horny, and from a guys perpective, it doesnt really allow you to perform if you catch me drift, HOWEVER there is this desire to connect with other people. a favorite of mine is receiving or giving massages... makes your eyes roll back to the back of your head sooooo fast! haha

and your in control the entire time!
eye wiggles, eye wiggles... ahhh the essential symptom of some good ass ecstasy ;)


Well-Known Member
X doesn't make you horny? I guess nothing quelches my appetite!

But I agree that you wont lose control. You wont do anything you wouldn't normally do, if you really cared about the person in front of you.

jack the beanstalk

Active Member
E is whatever you want. I have seen people do wild things and get really horny though that's not been my experience. Whenever I get hit with a psychedelic trip I start sensing and looking for the hidden qualities. I delve into the people and scenery around me. I feel a little like a kid, fresh in that state and sex is well....it's either gonna be the whole trip or you are actually going to do something with your time. It's all about a person's expectations. If she's a horny slut and she wants to bone 5 dudes, the E might just give her that extra boost to get her there but then...that's where she wanted to take it.

I have seen things like this on E but I had to run and play somewhere safe...it was really nasty. Everyone is different. If you take psychedelic drugs and you don't plan well, you take your chances. I learned my lesson that day. I have since had entire E trips in bed with a lover and that is great as well, don't get me wrong. It's just...fuck, I dunno, the drugs have warped my mind I am BABBLING NOW!


Well-Known Member
After just reading the first page I'm jealous, I've never been granted the opportunity to try quality pills :|

Blue-Doplhins ehh? looks like I'm off to Google.

Wish I could experience these amazing things...


Active Member
After just reading the first page I'm jealous, I've never been granted the opportunity to try quality pills :|

Blue-Doplhins ehh? looks like I'm off to Google.

Wish I could experience these amazing things...
tell all your friends about pillreports.com !!! I mentioned it before... And I'll mention it as often as possible, be safe and be smart, know what ur taking!



jack the beanstalk

Active Member
The jack in the beanstalk fellow is one WARPED OUT lad... don't pay much attention to his ass!
That's pretty nice of you to simply "out" me like that when I am speaking the truth from my experience which I would guess swamps yours if you don't know what I am talking about.

I have been lurking here for a while so I know how whacked you are...you know two posts.


Active Member
That's pretty nice of you to simply "out" me like that when I am speaking the truth from my experience which I would guess swamps yours if you don't know what I am talking about.

I have been lurking here for a while so I know how whacked you are...you know two posts.

I don't think he was trying to out you they way you percieve. However, go back and read ur post... Well to say the least, it's confusing and you half told a story and then said it was nasty, or something.
That message was pretty out there, that's all.
Dont trip, we all smoke! :bigjoint:

Now back to thizzles! Haha

jack the beanstalk

Active Member
I don't think he was trying to out you they way you percieve. However, go back and read ur post... Well to say the least, it's confusing and you half told a story and then said it was nasty, or something.
That message was pretty out there, that's all.
Dont trip, we all smoke! :bigjoint:

Now back to thizzles! Haha
True nuff. I guess it was confusing. I was just trying to state that E, in my experience, can for some people be VERY sexual indeed. I personally do not get all horny on it but I have certainly seen it happen. People definitely do things they regret the next day. No alcohol, just a tab of e and a life time of shame shrugged away.