A cloning question


Active Member
Will the clones off of a hermaphordite necessarily be hermaphordites too? I think I know this answer however, I want to be sure before I do something drastic.


Well-Known Member
The answer is that clones of a hermaphrodite will still have the exact same genetic tendency to show that trait as the "mother" plant.

While it *might* be possible to raise clones from a hermaphrodite plant under perfect conditions so that they don't ever make male flowers, you shouldn't expect to be able to.
If/when the clones become exposed to whatever stressors made the mom show male flowers, they'll likely make male flowers too.

In practice, most growers consider hermaphroditism a negative trait and will destroy any such plants that turn up.

I wouldn't necessarily destroy a hermie if that were the *only* plant I had, but with so much good genetics out there it shouldn't be terribly hard to replace it with something better, and I don't see a lot of good reasons to try and clone one.


Well-Known Member
everything jogro said is spot on. i woulds like to add, there is huge controversy on plant kickin out male flowers late in flower for self preservation. the chem line is based on herms.i have mother plants that kick out flowers late, ( say last 2 weeks) almost everytime. however the potency and taste keep me from binning these. i no there goin to do it, so not big deal for me, others will not keep one in there stable. so, 1 mans keeper, another mans garbage....peace


Active Member
What if clones were taken pre-herm? I took clones about 4 weeks ago and they are almost done but just showed signs of herm.


Active Member
amen; why even waste your precious time. Heed what these others have written. Great genetics are but a short stretch away... Don't know where you are, but you should get seeds at least (my preference) to start. Stay clean, safe, no bugs...


Active Member
thanks for the advice everyone. I figured as such but being so new to the game i thought i would listen to growers that have much more experience.
They are no more.