Thanks for sharing. It is no mystery that sound and light waves are made up of symmetrical patterns, and I'm not sure why people are fascinated by this, except that it produces pretty, aesthetically pleasing patterns on loose, grainy material or in liquid. The idea put forth in this video is not a theory at all, it may qualify as a hypothesis but I wouldn't even give it that. The person putting forth this idea is not a physicist or even trained in physics, they are simply an artist with an idea that sounds cool to them. This video is riddled with flaws that go against established physics that probably escape the attention of laymen. The apparent direction of time has nothing to do with photons, rather it is a product of entropy. IOW, the singularity that existed before the BB was a perfectly ordered hot, dense point of energy that somehow lost its equilibrium and exploded outward to states of greater and greater disorder (entropy). Gravity, too, has nothing to do with photons (which are massless), and is instead simply spacetime warped by massive/dense objects. General and Special Relativity theories explain exactly how these things work, while the idea put forth here explains nothing and in fact creates more questions than it answers. If you think this idea is cool, try understanding the accurate theories of Special Relativity and General Relativity. They are true theories are perfectly consistent, and answer questions instead of creating them...