a coincidence of frequency.....


Well-Known Member
I guess it's cool to map a correlation between the frequencies of sound and the colors of the light spectrum, but it seems ultimately meaningless. I'm a professional musician, and it really does me no good. IOW I can't see a usefulness to relating a color with a pitch frequency. There is a phenomena called synesthesia where certain people involuntarily relate colors to numbers and/or letters, scents to numbers or colors, etc.. - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Synesthesia
It is a strange joining of the senses through a brain abnormality, but it doesn't seem to have any intrinsic meaning. I just posted this in the Music thread, this seems to be in the spirit of this thread, and it is aesthetically pleasing -



Well-Known Member
its theory of everything and the future young tyler !!

god have i not taught you anything .


ps ...... And a deity is ( i think) god before flesh ...... This is it man i am tryyyyyying to teach you the ways of the truth, the light and the funky soulful beats which resonate thru ya bass bins messing with your brain waves and .....well ...... Stuff ....... Duh obviously lol

god tyler pfft .


i thought everyone knew .


Well-Known Member
everything vibrates and is just energy..figure out the correct frequencies and intensities and you can control space and time.


Well-Known Member
when an electron drops down a level in a hydrogen atom it emmits 485nm of light ( roughly) that's green i think ..... Another coincidence

and the furthest sound frequency in space is the same hertz as red ( something like this im quite stoned ) ha

its just the colours keep poping up and domintating everything .

iv just read an experiment on sound frequency plant growing...... It was something like green /red / blue was the same in hz for the plant which liked the sound ..... Eg .... 757.53 hz in pure tone is equal to red

i am stoned ha

Sure Shot

Well-Known Member
Yes, fun for all ages. Fun fact; "Spiral" and "Spirit", both originate from Latin ~ spira.
Those images I did are the wave patterns of different light frequencies more true to their 3d forms.
Green Small .jpg


Well-Known Member
Cymatics ....... There's a youtube vid from the 70' and the sound waves have a current flow like water!!

and the shift between symmetrical patterns from choas to order is bizzare !!

all this would be easier to understand if it was untrue


Well-Known Member
Thanks for sharing. It is no mystery that sound and light waves are made up of symmetrical patterns, and I'm not sure why people are fascinated by this, except that it produces pretty, aesthetically pleasing patterns on loose, grainy material or in liquid. The idea put forth in this video is not a theory at all, it may qualify as a hypothesis but I wouldn't even give it that. The person putting forth this idea is not a physicist or even trained in physics, they are simply an artist with an idea that sounds cool to them. This video is riddled with flaws that go against established physics that probably escape the attention of laymen. The apparent direction of time has nothing to do with photons, rather it is a product of entropy. IOW, the singularity that existed before the BB was a perfectly ordered hot, dense point of energy that somehow lost its equilibrium and exploded outward to states of greater and greater disorder (entropy). Gravity, too, has nothing to do with photons (which are massless), and is instead simply spacetime warped by massive/dense objects. General and Special Relativity theories explain exactly how these things work, while the idea put forth here explains nothing and in fact creates more questions than it answers. If you think this idea is cool, try understanding the accurate theories of Special Relativity and General Relativity. They are true theories are perfectly consistent, and answer questions instead of creating them...


Well-Known Member
She explains it better
This person doesn't not even understand the material she is attempting to convey. For instance, she's trying to explain the illusion of solidity via our neural patterns instead of the true cause, which is the strong nuclear force holding the atoms together, and the electrons of each entity repelling atoms. So nothing actually touches another substance, but gives an illusion of solidity -

She is completely confused, did you actually watch this video? The Law of Attraction is bunk. The energy of our thoughts are very minute electrical charges, and do not have any affect on any other matter outside of the brain. She starts of with a quantum physics book that she obviously does not understand, then goes into a completely unscientific rant of the law of attraction. This brand of quackery is why so many are confused about the true nature of QM. For anyone interested in the truth of our cosmos, these things are a waste of time and entirely unscientific...