A comfortable size and age to cut clones.

Irie Hawaii

Well-Known Member
I have a week old Arjan's ultra haze 1. I'm new to Indoor and growing in general. On a 18/6 with a 400 watt HPS. How long would you say it takes for my plant to reach a size and age thats comfortable to cut clones from? I know there's a lot of factors that come into play but I just would like an estimate please.:confused::mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Bump, i would really like to know too. I have a couple of females that are starting to look like little christmas trees, and i want to start cloning but im afraid its to soon.


Active Member
whenever there is a good size side branch thats when i usually take my clones. Usually around 2 weeks they are big enough for me.

I'm LSTing on of my mothers right now to try to get more prominent side branching.



Well-Known Member
Whats "LSTing" mean if you dont mind me asking, right now my mother plant side branches are about 3 nodes up, and i think that im going to wait untill they go for another 2 or 3, then im going to try.


Well-Known Member
if your talking about the best time to take clipings for cloning its when there are more than 3 nodes on the branch you want to clone.


Well-Known Member
I've been through it before, and have had a really hard time dealing with finding when the appropriate time to take cuttings would be without hurting the mother or stunting the clones.

Problem with 2 weeks is that you run the risk of stunting your clones. They will root and start growing, but they will carry a 3 leaf pattern and by the time they hit the desired 5 that you want before putting them into flowering they can become too tall for an in-door setup. 3 pointed leaves can often produce low yielding plants. Wait until all future colas are at least 5+ pointed leaves. I take my cuttings from my mother plants at 3 weeks which is right about the time the mother will develop 3 nodes under each cutting. Every 3 weeks gives the plant plenty of time to rejuvenate itself. Good luck and don't ever rush things. Take your time, do it right and the results will come back 10 fold, I promise.


Well-Known Member
I wait a minimum of a month from seed. I also only take cuttings with 4 nodes. I cut at the 4th node and then trim the leaves from nodes 2 and 3.


New Member
I like to wait at least 45 days from seed as most varieties are sexually mature at that age and hopefully showing sex. It is different when using female seeds.

I would say most plants would be fairly large after 45 days even when grown under a t5. So it really depends on how many you need. Do you need just a couple to keep while you flower the mother or vice versa? Or do you need to supply a closet or a warehouse?

I've never really been a counter of nodes as I am more concerned at obtaining a cutting that is somewhere between 4-6 inches tall when rooted. My main advice concerning cloning is:
1. Use the cleanest water you can find. Usually either RO or buy a gallon of distilled from the store.
2. Use fresh bulbs (I prefer t12 flouros as they are very gentle to the new babies)
3. Do not make the media overly wet as this will delay rooting.

ps-If you're gonna use rockwool you should "condition" it first by soaking in pH 5 water overnight. Otherwise you're asking for problems.

Let me know if you need any further assistance...


Well-Known Member
I have a week old Arjan's ultra haze 1. I'm new to Indoor and growing in general. On a 18/6 with a 400 watt HPS. How long would you say it takes for my plant to reach a size and age thats comfortable to cut clones from? I know there's a lot of factors that come into play but I just would like an estimate please.:confused::mrgreen:
6 weeks if it is growing well.

Irie Hawaii

Well-Known Member
I like to wait at least 45 days from seed as most varieties are sexually mature at that age and hopefully showing sex. It is different when using female seeds.

I would say most plants would be fairly large after 45 days even when grown under a t5. So it really depends on how many you need. Do you need just a couple to keep while you flower the mother or vice versa? Or do you need to supply a closet or a warehouse?

I've never really been a counter of nodes as I am more concerned at obtaining a cutting that is somewhere between 4-6 inches tall when rooted. My main advice concerning cloning is:
1. Use the cleanest water you can find. Usually either RO or buy a gallon of distilled from the store.
2. Use fresh bulbs (I prefer t12 flouros as they are very gentle to the new babies)
3. Do not make the media overly wet as this will delay rooting.

ps-If you're gonna use rockwool you should "condition" it first by soaking in pH 5 water overnight. Otherwise you're asking for problems.

Let me know if you need any further assistance...
thanks for the best advice!!! I think I can do it with out any questions!