a constant heat battle!


Well-Known Member
K so i have been reading other peoples problems and im sure you have all heard this before but im posting a new thread, i just signed up so i could have this issue deticated to my issue alone. i have a grow room that is currently up and running. the room is 5'x4' but after you figure in...there is a water heater in the room and an portable ac unit and other things the actual grow space ( the clear space where the plants are.) is about 3'x4'. --Ventilation--the room includes two fans for air circulation (one 4" and one 6" fan). two industrial type stanley hundred blade blower fans might as well say squirrel cage type blowers--one for intake and one for exhaust i got 4 inch plastic vent pipe duct taped on them and one is drawing air in and one is pushing air out. --Lighting-- i am using a 600 watt HPS (95,000 lumen bulb) with a reflector i do believe it is called a eco wing... when i first got it i hooked it up and my temp went from like 80 to like 97 in no time flat. so i quick shut it down and got the flouresent lights back in there right away so i could do more research. i then discovered that people use portable ac units in there rooms to keep the light cool so i got one it is 9,000 BTU portable ac unit i hooked it up and it started blowing cold air but with that the unit also exhausted hot air so i directed that into the exhaust blower but i just dont think its keeping up.... temps were fine at first... well i guess i should tell you what i have here, it is a storage closet area, and half of it is sealed off--my grow room and the other half is storage area. i was pushing the hot air into the other half of the closet and that half got very warm....and the duh thing was that my intake was coming from that half so...i corrected that today and tapped into the duct work from the furance and am now blowing the hot air into my bathroom and still drawing air from the other half of the closet....thought i had it all figured out and left...came back 5 hours later and my temp just hit 108!!!! so i got the sealed door open to let air out faster and i just dont know what to do.... sorry this is so long but i have to include everything to give the feel of whats going on here and the set up i have. the only thing i have come up with so far now is that my bulb is too big for my area... oh and the light is about 48" above my plants which just turned two weeks old on saturday. please any advice will help this is my first time growing and i really want it to be a success, i thought it would be alot easier than this...


Well-Known Member
ok so in the past hour here is what i have done to solve this, first off i opened the door and that dropped me from 108 down to 100 so i then decided to turn the ac unit on fan mode thus making it not exhaust all that hot air, but still keeping the door open, not too long after i checked and the temp was 102, so i turned the ac back on but this time directing the cold air not in the space between the tops of the plants and the light but more directly on the plants and my temp is now down to 98.8 and dropping so i just shut the door to a crack and hopefully the temps will continue to go down, we shall see, but my question now is if my thermo reads say for instance 80 and the temp of the air..say around my light is way hotter, is this still ok, because i guess my thought is if the thermo says say 80 thats the temp at which my plants are growing at and it doesnt matter what the temp of the air is above around my light is......???


Well-Known Member
yea i know that, my light is 48" above my plants i got the ac and a fan blowing right at them there blowing around pretty good, maybe too much, i know this promotes strong stems but....can it ever be too much, they seem to still be standing tall, but just doing alot of dancing around... the temp is down to 95.7 now..


Well-Known Member
your lights are 4' above the plants you will have major stretch, get some ducting hook it to the 6" fan and use for exhausting the hot air, put the ducting right under your light, hook the 4" fan to something where it can get clean, cool air to bring into the room, look into air cooled hood or a cool tube


Well-Known Member
well the portable ac unit has an intake and exhaust on the back i have the intake tube running right under that light and the exhaust running out..for the most part...i have it blowing directly into a blower that is hooked up to 4" vent pipe leading out. and as far as changing lighting altogether that might be what i will have to do, the heat coming off this 600 watt light is crazy . and even with that much light in that small of an area it is still too high you think? man i gotta put sunglasses on when i go in there anymore light and i would need welding goggles!


Well-Known Member
my current temp is 96.2 i just repositioned the intake for the ac unit more under instead of next the light. maybe that will help... im going to bed i gotta wake up early for work. will check in the morning and update you guys either in the morning or when i get home from work. also one more thing are these high temps going to stress my plants into becoming males?


Well-Known Member
so i woke up this morning and my temp was 102, come to find out my duct tape job didnt hold up on my exhaust blower due to the high heat. i did a little experiment tho i unpugged my light and fans a couple hours early because i had to leave for work but left the ac timer plugged in. so when the ac came on normal time 3pm it would be on and on alone just to see what the temp would be. so i got home at like 5 and temp reading was like mid 90's. thats with AC nothing else! granted no exhaust was going but still... anyway i bought this heat resistant tape today at the local car quest, 15ft roll of 2" tape $17. got home and moved my exhaust blower up higher in the room and taped that sucker good. it seems to be working well so far, temps are still falling slowly but surely im at 93.7 right now. if this doesnt work im going to be extremely frustrated..


Well-Known Member
well i do believe i have it under control now thanks guys my temps have not hit 100 in a few days now, im holding steady in the low 90's now, id like to see it go down but the damn ac just wont stay kicked in long enough. like it blows cold then kicks out for a little bit then it kicks cold again and so on and so forth. the nights are getting cooler tho so that will help alot.