A couple newbie questions

I am just starting out I have a few plants just starting all are unknown bagseeds....I think they are about week and all have came out nicely,I also have 4 white widows coming, i am growing under floros as of now waiting for my hps and metal halide to come in....all will be grown in dirt,am using water only right now...was wondering what are some good nutes you can get from a local store and will 150watt HPS and 175watt MH light be enough lighting for the 4 white widow (assuming that they all grow) and should I use both HPS and MH light through out the growth stages or start with MH and go to HPS?
Any and all info would be great....just want to try to get the biggest yield and most potent bud I can....plz light up and help :peace:


Well-Known Member
if you want to get a big yield like you said then add the mh aswell for flowering, the more watts the better, the 150w hps isn't really that much to flower 4 plants i mean it would do, depending on how tall the plants are, if there tall the 150w won't have enough bang to penetrate to the bottom of the plants like a 400/600w does
you could add the mh as a side lighting in this situation but if there short plants then you can just place both the mh and hps at the top of them
the mh should work well by itself to veg
ok..yea i kinda thought the 150w wouldn't quite good enuff but i will have it in a good reflective place and can put my floros and MH in there with it....like i said this is my first grow i hope to be able to go alittle bigger.....just glad to know that what i have will work for now....thanks for the info.....also what is some good nutes? or aleast good numbers to look for in them


Well-Known Member
Your lights sound good for a first grow. I do recommend going brighter as you get better. No point in spending too much right away because you will have a lot of tweaking as you experience growing for the first couple rounds. But lights are like tits, some people say they like little ones, but everyone knows bigger is better.