a couple of pics of a friends grow,


Active Member
hi folks ive just signed up today after reading many informative topics here before,
a friend of mine who is a experienced grower allowed me to "adopt" a few plants at his house with the intention of getting knowledge and experience before i dive in to my own project,
any ways these gals are bluecheese from clone and are now 3 weeks at 20/4 lighting
and i think up to press they look quite healthy.

dont be shy to tell me what you think be it good or bad



Active Member
no since planting in soil ive watered them, theyre now on 500ml a day with 1.5 ml of bio grow,
pruned a few bottom leaves seen to lighting basically everything that is necessary to keep them happy and alive lol.
the only reason they're at a friends is because i dont have my kit yet and wanted the necessary experience and knowledge before i venture out alone.