a couple of problems


Active Member
okay first off you can see the 2 plants that are in the picture have their leaves pinching inward. I have no idea what that means. I fed them their first dose of food lastnight and i used 2/3 of recommended. I figured that would be okay. I added 2 more lights to the side to increase the area so I left the door of the closet open to maintain the temp at 77-80F. Humidity is at a constant 70. I tested the Ph after feeding and put the run off in the tester and it was pretty much spot on perfect.

Second problem is I have one plant that is light green, leaves are underdeveloped, and if it were human I'd say it had a learning disability and was slightly retarded. What could be the problem?



Well-Known Member
the soil shouldnt be soaking wet. the topsoil should dryout before you water again. you shouldnt be giving it any nutes yet. What are you feeding them?


Active Member
how old are they? the leaves are fine, there suppose to do that when the first set is growing, it will even out as they get bigger.

also, theres no need to feed them nutes until there about three weeks old.


Active Member
i fed them botanicare grow liquid...I have this liqid compost stuff the guy said to give them once a week but i haven't used it yet...they are stretching a little so i lowered the T 5 about 2 inches so hopefully they will just develop some sets...I germinated them about 10 days ago and they took like 4-5 days to develop nicely then I planted them in the soil on monday and this is where they are at on saturday


Well-Known Member
get on a watering schedule feel the cup if it feels light put your finger on it if it feels dry to the touch i would mist and use alittle water... dont flood it out.. they look fine.. im a strong advocate of not using anything untill the first day of week 4.... others may aggree but every time i tried ferting early they died or got shocked pretty good and slowed there grow badly


Active Member
yea i give them about 1/3 of a regular 17 ounce poland spring of water every 2 days. I won't give them food anymore thanks for the heads up.


Well-Known Member
I actually have better healthier plants using tap water sat out 24hrs.. not sure why but when i used aqua spring water they all got wacked out and stunted and shit...