A couple of questions for a potential grower


I've always loved to grow plants and I've recently in the last year stumbled upon the awesomeness that is MJ :leaf:. I've been reading up and lurking on a lot of guides and posts here and an debating starting to try and grow, however I still have some confusion on a couple of aspects.

My biggest confusion is the clone/cloning process. The process of cloning just confuses me as to how to do it properly, if anybody could link me to a good guide or give a good explanation that would be great.

Also I've noticed that a lot of the guides I've read say it takes at least 3+ months, is there a way to significantly lower this time? The quality of the bud does not bother me, I'll consider growing better stuff after I know I can successfully grow it. I will be growing 1 plant and growing shwag won't bother me as long as I could lower the time to grow.


Active Member

And nope, no way to rush it.. if you have patience issues DO NOT grow cannabis.

As for cloning, there are lot's of techniques and even gizmo's you can spend bazillions on.. you can break it all into science and build a lab..

Me, I just cut em, stick em in water, set em off to the side... I'm very lazy.


Well-Known Member
3 months is the absolute least amount of time it would take, 4-5 months is an average time.
I don't know any clone guides but I'm sure there's one here somewhere.