a couple questions regarding my first guerilla grow.

Hello all. I'll start off by saying i will be growing guerilla in southern ontario.

10x white widow
5x himalayan gold
5x super silver haze
2x early skunk
2x trainwreck
2x frisian dew
2x northern lightxbig bud
2x arjans ultra haze #1

ive put a few dollars into seeds and lights already im just stumped about what fertilizers/soil i should be working with. i plan on putting them in 5 gallon pails as im iffy about the soil around here. (never grown in it) is it better to buy just plain soil and feed it with nutes or should i mix my own shit up and just water it once and a while with nutrient solution. if anyone has any tiips or comments from past grows (what soil or nutes were used) id greatly apreciate it.


Well-Known Member
thing is with pots is that if your doing it gorilla style u have to visit them more often, when the plants are in flowering they use up that water pretty fast. If u put them into the ground they can out the water in the ground which will last alot longer then a 5 gallon bucket. I personally just dig out holes and fill them with my own mix , basically the same thing but once they get big enough they aren't constrained by the bucket and dont get root bound.


Well-Known Member
i watched a WW grow log out in BC this last season
it was a great log, but getting the WW to ripen outdoors at that latitude just didn't happen
got to the pistil preflower stage in October
i'd recommend some strains that have a better chance to ripen for your latitude
i see you have early skunk which sounds like a better strain for your area
no no lol. the only strains i will have a problem with is the haze. i have a few 600 watt lights in basement that should take care of them. i have grown white widow frisian dew and northern lights back in 07 in my yard and had no problem with it. 07 wasnt a bad year though. i got my fingers crossed.


Well-Known Member
no no lol. the only strains i will have a problem with is the haze. i have a few 600 watt lights in basement that should take care of them. i have grown white widow frisian dew and northern lights back in 07 in my yard and had no problem with it. 07 wasnt a bad year though. i got my fingers crossed.
when you have the luxury of finishing things up inside, that's quite the different beast
but like you say, 08 was the worst outside season in long time