A couple questions


Well-Known Member
Title says all...

Since I built my res, I've had numerous people tell me I should be using clear res in my reservoir but I don't understand why it what it is.. Can someone explain?

I decided to use soda 2 liter bottles as hempy buckets but I think the light will still shine through the wrapper because it isn't very thick, and will kill me roots... Does light actually kill roots and will the soda 2 liter hempy containers be a failure?

Hydro store gave me a sample of flora plus. He asked me if I was in veg or bloom I said veg he told me to use 1 ml per gallon during flowering only and it will fatten things up... I'm using maxibloom kiss feeding method. Will flora plus really do the job? Or should I just stick with maxi-bloom the whole way through?

If flora plus is worth it, when should I start using it? When I flip the light? Or when I see signs of buds forming? Or should I wait until buds actually form and then use it? I've never really used special stuff. I just used botanicare grow bloom cal mag and liquid karma when I grew in soil and I'm trying to make the best out of this vertical switch and grow like the pros haha. So all info is appreciated

I'm planing to flip in a week or two to start flowering, by the end of January at the latest. I want to harvest and have a little cure time in by 4/20. Again, any and all info is appreciated. My journal shows my grow. I did start the 2 liter containers today transplanted the clones in there about an hr ago but I was thinking the above and didn't take pics yet. I'll be in the room finishing some things up, so I'll reply when I see it.

While I'm in the process of making this thread... Might aswell give a shout out to everyone who has given me advice since I've joined. I never put this in a thread and I figure it's time to do so. Without you guys, I don't think I could have completed 5 soil grows under my 400w. Hopefully, I'll be able to complete 5 more under my 600w with your help. I keep moving up and up with the help of you and I want to say thanks. All of you... And I wanna thank rollitup for making this forum, cause without him none of us would be here. :bigjoint::leaf:;-)

This thread is actually longer then anticipated but least it isn't one huge run on sentence like I've seen people do. I hate them.

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Well-Known Member
I would suggest using green 2L bottles instead of clear, as then there is no need to wrap them up in tape as the green plastic will block the harmful light
Maxi-bloom works well for the whole grow, if you want KISS then the only other essential is Cal-Mag
Dr. Jekyll

If you do use clear, then yes you must cover them up with tape or paint, as the light will impact the roots.
Also note the 2L bottle becomes very light when dry, so when your plant becomes big, it's at a high risk of falling over.
It really helps to place the 2L pop bottle in another jar for stability, or better yet if you can get one of those molded trays used to transport 2L, they work excellent
Mr. Hyde


Well-Known Member
Look I can not comment on your growing style or abilities...
Only what I know to be the truth...
I had too many clones...
I used clear "SNAPPLE" Ice Tea 2 litre bottles...
PEEPS said: "Clear will hurt your roots... clear will grow fungus..."
It's all bull sheiot...
If you have issues it's not the clear bottle...
I finished 9 or 10 plants in Snapple bottles... only issue I had was in soil, I had to water/nute every day because of small capacity


Well-Known Member
I would suggest using green 2L bottles instead of clear, as then there is no need to wrap them up in tape as the green plastic will block the harmful light
Maxi-bloom works well for the whole grow, if you want KISS then the only other essential is Cal-Mag
Dr. Jekyll

If you do use clear, then yes you must cover them up with tape or paint, as the light will impact the roots.
Also note the 2L bottle becomes very light when dry, so when your plant becomes big, it's at a high risk of falling over.
It really helps to place the 2L pop bottle in another jar for stability, or better yet if you can get one of those molded trays used to transport 2L, they work excellent
Mr. Hyde
They are clear dr pepper and MTn dew code red bottles. I left the label on so it covers the clear part, and I drilled the hempy hole directly below the wrapper so the clay pebbles are below it. Will the wrapper be enough to cover it? If not could I tape a trash bag around it or even a paper bag? I use maxi bloom but wasn't told I needed cal mag. I haven't used it as of yet, and no signs of problems do I still need it? I think maxi has enough cal and mag in it from what I've read. I would have to look at the label. I bought a mini tub it's like 6 inches high I put 3 in each I cut holes through the lid so hopefully that will hold them up. They won't be too big I don't think. Any info about the flora plus? Should I use that during flowering?


Well-Known Member
Look I can not comment on your growing style or abilities...
Only what I know to be the truth...
I had too many clones...
I used clear "SNAPPLE" Ice Tea 2 litre bottles...
PEEPS said: "Clear will hurt your roots... clear will grow fungus..."
It's all bull sheiot...
If you have issues it's not the clear bottle...
I finished 9 or 10 plants in Snapple bottles... only issue I had was in soil, I had to water/nute every day because of small capacity
Well it isn't totally clear, cause it still has the plastic label around it. The clay pebbles come up to the bottom of the label so no roots should show unless they get tangled in the bottom rocks which they prolly will. I might have to get a can of black spray paint.. We will see I hope it isn't a waste of time. Might just figure out a rig so i know nothing will die lol.


Well-Known Member
If you do use clear, then yes you must cover them up with tape or paint, as the light will impact the roots.
This is parroted bull sheiot Mr Hyde... I greww many times with no root impact...
Have you tried? or just saying what you heard?

Also note the 2L bottle becomes very light when dry, so when your plant becomes big, it's at a high risk of falling over.
This was a issue, so I jammed a bunch together... no issue with roots... it was fun to watch them grow...
And that's why I had to water every day until the end...

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Well-Known Member
IMHO, the red or clear with label is not enough, you need to add a layer of tape, any color to cover the entire pop bottle
Yes, you can wrap a white plastic bag around the bottle, kind of like a skirt.
Trust me, you will need Cal_mag unless you have well water or very high mineral water, average city water needs Cal-Mag (5ml / 4L/1 gal) in a hempy grow
I have not used any additional nutes, so I would recommend KISS and not use the Flora Plus
Dr. Jekyll

Holy crap buddy....too many questions in one post
Mr. Hyde

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Well-Known Member
This is parroted bull sheiot Mr Hyde... I greww many times with no root impact...
Have you tried? or just saying what you heard?

This was a issue, so I jammed a bunch together... no issue with roots... it was fun to watch them grow...
And that's why I had to water every day until the end...
whatever, I won't argue but it's a well known fact not to use clear pots
Dr. Jekyll

No we have not tried using clear pots, as there are a few golden rules one must just trust, but if you are certain this is false then why not post a journal to disprove the myth.
Mr. Hyde


Well-Known Member
IMHO, the red or clear with label is not enough, you need to add a layer of tape, any color to cover the entire pop bottle
Yes, you can wrap a white plastic bag around the bottle, kind of like a skirt.
Trust me, you will need Cal_mag unless you have well water or very high mineral water, average city water needs Cal-Mag (5ml / 4L/1 gal) in a hempy grow
I have not used any additional nutes, so I would recommend KISS and not use the Flora Plus
Dr. Jekyll

Holy crap buddy....too many questions in one post
Mr. Hyde
i do got well water. So maybe that's why?


Well-Known Member
Dumb question here but why not just cover em up? Only takes a minute to cover up, the debate will probably take a few days.


Well-Known Member
Dumb question here but why not just cover em up? Only takes a minute to cover up, the debate will probably take a few days.
Considering I've spent hundreds of dollars so far on the conversion from soil and hort growing to vertical coco hempy cost is a problem.


Well-Known Member
okay, then you may not need Cal-Mag, but do keep an eye open on the deficiency signs
Dr. Jekyll

Yup. well water is typically loaded with minerals, thus often has plenty of calcium and magnesium
Mr. Hyde
They actually look good. A few lower leaves have some spotting which I posted here awhile ago and didn't get any replies but other then that they look fine. I thought maybe I was spilling nute water on the leaves. I do got a little bit of cal mag left I can add if needed. What's your opinion on the clear res stuff by ez clone?


Well-Known Member
Use black spray paint (I prefer Rustoleum flat black aka. rusto, as a cheap alternative to good paint, although rusto is good quality) to paint the outside of your bottles. I grow in 2L bottles, and flower 24 plants at all times.

I prefer Club Soda bottles, as they are smooth throughout.

I have a mix of soil, 100% hydroton and 100% perlite buckets as such in a perpetual.



Well-Known Member
Use black spray paint (I prefer Rustoleum flat black aka. rusto, as a cheap alternative to good paint, although rusto is good quality) to paint the outside of your bottles. I grow in 2L bottles, and flower 24 plants at all times.

I prefer Club Soda bottles, as they are smooth throughout.

I have a mix of soil, 100% hydroton and 100% perlite buckets as such in a perpetual.

ok, I'll have to spray paint them soon then. I'll hopefully get my check Thursday so I can buy it then. I just hate to buy more stuff lol. I've spent over 500 so far.


Well-Known Member
ok, I'll have to spray paint them soon then. I'll hopefully get my check Thursday so I can buy it then. I just hate to buy more stuff lol. I've spent over 500 so far.
One can of 2x rusto will easily coat 24 2L bottles, with some left over to hit a wall. Trust me ;)

I just put a black sock on my arm after cutting off the top, and go nuts. Light, short full-length sprays. A light coat with said paint is way enough, and it is durable for many replants.
