First time growing outside organically and I suspect that I have a pest problem but I have no clue need some advice from the professionals!
nothing on the undersideLook on undersides of leafs, whats there little maggot looking thing? Thrips
Has anyone ever used this stuff and would it be ok to use on my girls?
I wouldn't use it myself because it contains Spinetoram which is toxic to bees.
I'd just spray them with a citric acid foliar to kill the bugs and then follow up with a sesame oil foliar as a preventative. Both of which are effective, organic, and are not harmful to the ecosystem. Both citric acid and sesame oil are readily available with sesame oil used for culinary purposes available at food stores and citric acid available online or anyplace that sells canning or beer and wine making supplies.
What ratio would you mix the two?
I wouldn't mix the 2 together. I'd do a foliar of citric acid in a ratio of 10-12 ml per liter first in the evening. Then a sesame foliar of 5 ml per liter of water with a drop of dish soap as a surfactant a couple days later. Also done in the evening.
The sesame should be sprayed after using the citric acid which will kill the bugs. The sesame oil will prevent them from coming back. You want both to be dripping off the leaves and you need to spray the citric acid on the undersides of the leaves as well.
That's what I've used in the past for pests outdoors.
It doesn't matter what pest it is, Spinosad will slaughter any common pest 9 out of 10 times in 1 application per/directions on bottle.